What's new in SaaS HelpDesk

The changes listed below are live on the Hosted version. If you would like to see the list of changes that are released to the on-premise version see version history.

enh More secure random password generator (bigger entropy) 7/16/2023
fix Relaxed contrast adjuster that removes unreadable colors from email tickets, customers get confused 7/16/2023
fix Disabled changing all the date fields when scrolling 7/14/2023
enh All new automation rules JSON-engine, faster editing and processing. 7/12/2023
fix Minor security fixes 7/12/2023
enh Show subscription changes on the Billing page 7/11/2023
fix Restored CompanyName & DepartmentName in /api/Users JSON, added /api/Departments endpoint 7/10/2023
enh Added SAML metadata file 7/10/2023
fix Fixed testing incoming mail server when adding a new one 7/7/2023
fix Fixed Ticket search with CSV export 7/6/2023
fix Fixed non-tech being able to see inline images in the techs-only comments 7/6/2023
fix Fixed unlinking parent ticket UI bug 7/5/2023
fix Minor fix for custom statuses admin page 7/4/2023
new Custom priority levels 7/4/2023
enh HTML Sanitizer improvements 6/29/2023
fix Improved email quoting processing when two Jitbits are talking to each other over email 6/29/2023
fix JIRA integration fixes 6/27/2023
enh Backend check if custom status allowed in the ticket's category when changing 6/26/2023
fix Fixed up-down keys in category dropdown on new ticket page 6/26/2023
new Added links to ticket attachments when creating issue in Github or Gitlab 6/25/2023
enh Migrated all Vue-pages from Vue2 to Vue3 6/19/2023
fix Fix "send email" automation not working if there's also Jitbit on the receiving side 6/18/2023
fix Fixed some "time spent" timer bugs 6/16/2023
fix Fixed new ticket form breaking when pasting really long screenshots 6/15/2023
new Ability to bulk-enable retired assets 6/15/2023
new Added ability to reorder custom statuses 6/12/2023
new Chat GPT integration is now available for all paying customers on all plans 6/11/2023
fix Fixed the "time spent" timer stopping when the browser tab is inactive 6/9/2023
fix Fixed forwarding long tickets with offloaded large bodies 6/8/2023
fix Fixed the datepicker in the Customer Satisfaction report 6/6/2023
fix More detailed error message when failing to parse O365 response 6/3/2023
fix Fixed some edge case datepicker issues when using en-US language 6/1/2023
enh "Notify ticket subscribers" automation now supports "all", "techs", "NON-techs" and "Admins" filtering 5/29/2023
fix GPT: Custom prompt now considers the ticket conversation for context 5/27/2023
fix GPT: Ticket summary is now written in the same language the ticket is written in 5/27/2023
enh Added "Close ticket silently" menu item to skip email notifications 5/27/2023
enh New API parameter to get assets assigned to specific ticket ID 5/27/2023
enh Added "Department name" to user lists 5/27/2023
enh Added "the day is a public holiday" automation rule condition 5/27/2023
enh Asset log improved when editing info or custom fields (less noise, cleaner format) 5/27/2023
fix Minor vulnerability fixes 5/26/2023
fix New ticket page: autofocus on category field if unset 5/25/2023
fix Added support for reverse proxies in user's login history 5/24/2023
fix API token page design fixes and a "copy" button 5/24/2023
fix Fixed automation execution log display and other design fixes 5/24/2023
fix Fixed GCC email server editing 5/24/2023
fix Ticket list rendering improvements 5/23/2023
fix Fixed rule logging when "Abort further rules" is set 5/22/2023
new Support for GCC (MS Government Cloud) for O365, both inbound and outbound email 5/19/2023
fix A lot of Zapier integration fixes 5/15/2023
enh "Notifiy techs on takeover" now has a setting whether to include admin 5/14/2023
fix Fixed custom KB title/description breaks layout for anonymous users 5/10/2023
fix Added some missing translations 5/9/2023
enh "Add subticket" automation rule now supports assigning to a technician 5/8/2023
fix Fixed Google calendar sync - shareable iCal link format fixes 5/8/2023
fix Fixed adding subtickets & parent tickets 5/5/2023
enh Added #Username# mask to email templates 5/4/2023
enh Option to include retired assets in asset-search 5/4/2023
fix Open Github, Jira, etc. integration URLs in a new browser tab 5/4/2023
new Enabled the ChatGPT integration for the Company plan 5/4/2023
fix ChatGPT now generates responses in the language the ticket is written in 5/2/2023
enh API: added "assignedToUserId" parameter to /Ticket POST endpoint, to assign during creation and reduce email chatter 5/1/2023
fix GPT: Do not suggest KB if it is disabled 5/1/2023
fix Fixed tag counts under "Admin - Categories - Tags" page 4/30/2023
fix Improvements and fixes for two helpdesks talking to each other over email 4/29/2023
new ChatGPT integration now allows you to improve your reply or write a custom prompt 4/28/2023
enh Reorganized "More" menu for linked and subtickets, moved "new" button to popup 4/27/2023
enh Added MS Teams notification when a new KB article is posted 4/26/2023
fix Added colors to Google login button 4/26/2023
enh Added support for O365 GCC for incoming emails (beta) 4/25/2023
fix Fixed adding tech subscribers in the recent versions of Chrome 4/25/2023
enh Chroatian language improvements 4/25/2023
enh Kanban - added filter by assigned technician 4/22/2023
fix Bug fix - "Require MFA" setting was not saving properly 4/20/2023
enh Due dates public shareable iCal link for external calendar sync now supports selected user and category 4/20/2023
fix Added "upd by cust", "upd by tech" etc. badges to Kanban board view 4/19/2023
fix Show user phone as a "tel:" link in user profile and preview popup 4/18/2023
fix Github-style markdown checkbox lists in multiline custom fields fixed 4/18/2023
fix Message-ID matching for emails now also looks at the subject line to prevent unwanted routing of new emails to existing tickets 4/18/2023
fix Permission fix: ticket-assign and "tech-only" custom fields now check permissions to current category 4/17/2023
fix Translation improvements 4/16/2023
new Interactive Kanban board for unclosed tickets (under "Reports - Kanban") 4/14/2023
fix Ticket merging concurrency improvements 4/14/2023
fix Fixed Change Status automation when ticket is being closed from "non-updated" and "overdue" triggers 4/13/2023
fix Offer to "close all subtickets" only if a ticket has child tickets, not always 4/13/2023
enh LOTS of performance improvements, less memory usage, faster deploys 4/9/2023
fix Consider category submit permissions when creating tickets from emails 4/5/2023
fix Fixed attachments in KB article API 4/1/2023
new ChatGPT integration. Opt-in in Admin - Integrations 3/27/2023
fix PERF: Use pooled memory streams for image thumbnail generation (prevents app restarts on high memory load) 3/17/2023
fix Fixed catgery templates HTML 3/17/2023
fix Asana interagtion fix 3/15/2023
new New report "overdue tickets". Also log due date changes for accurate reporting. Rearranged reports main page. 3/14/2023
fix User search improvements 3/11/2023
fix Preserve line breaks in ticket templates in a category, fixed non-latin category descriptions 3/9/2023
fix Proper live comment update rendering for system msg with attachments 3/9/2023
enh User @-mentions now have a tooltip that shows the username 3/9/2023
fix Fixed editing huge tickets where body offloaded to file storage 3/8/2023
fix Fixed API "UpdateUser" resetting company/department sometimes 3/8/2023
fix Rearranged email settings page for better UI 3/8/2023
enh Added extra confirmation when deleting a category, even if it has no tickets 3/7/2023
fix Fixed user search for "no tickets OR replies" mode 3/6/2023
fix Fixed saving hidden columns 3/4/2023
fix Improved outbound email logging 3/4/2023
new New API method "Create KB article" 3/2/2023
fix disable o365 mailbox when it's "404 not found" to surface this error to customers 3/1/2023
enh O365 inbound email improvements (api-request batching) 2/28/2023
enh #Recipients# email template can now list names, not emails, to keep this sensitive info private 2/28/2023
fix Fixed embedded image sizing in emails 2/27/2023
fix Fixed unlinking issues from Azure Devops 2/22/2023
enh User advanced search: filter users who have no tickets AND no replies 2/16/2023
enh Azure Devops integration improved: pull and display actual workitem status 2/14/2023
fix Fixed x-axis sorting for Speed report when grouping by month 2/12/2023
fix Faster JSON serialization 2/11/2023
new Added CSV export to customer satisfaction report 2/7/2023
new Ticket search plural/singular support (searching for "printer" will return "printerS" too) when searching for 1 word 2/6/2023
enh Refactored most date-time operations: 3X faster, simpler code 2/4/2023
enh Added overdue breakdown chart to Summary report 2/2/2023
enh Technicians report - add "overdue tickets" number 2/2/2023
new Whitelisitng email addresses to skip useless filter 2/2/2023
fix WhatsApp integration: indicate send failure via existing "bounced comments" mechinism 2/1/2023
fix UI fixes for RTL languages 1/31/2023
new New API method: TagTicket(name, ticketId) 1/30/2023
enh Ticket list date filter - relative date suport - "Today, This week, Last 30 days" 1/30/2023
enh Maintaining Saved filters across user's devices 1/30/2023
enh Added "TIcket URL" to summary report CSV export 1/28/2023
fix Send only 1 email when a user creates ticket via live chat 1/27/2023
fix Made chart colors a little more saturated and made all of them work together better 1/27/2023
fix PERF: randomized background job delays so they don't run all at once 1/27/2023
enh Live chat widget - use the custom "Thank you" message, set in the settings 1/25/2023
fix Live chat - show responding tech's first name, not login (can expose email) 1/24/2023
fix Show the ticket subject in the summary of a Teams notification 1/24/2023
enh Resize the text editor after pasting a long canned response 1/24/2023
fix Restored ticket scheduling info in the sidebar due to customers feedback 1/24/2023
fix When user closes their own ticket - still send "ticket closed" email if the email has "rate our support" links in it 1/24/2023
fix JIRA fix for self-hosted 9.4 and later 1/23/2023
new Added Vimeo embed support 1/23/2023
fix Ability to link existing GitHub issues to tickets 1/23/2023
new Snipe-It integration 1/23/2023
fix Performance: faster ticket merging 1/21/2023
fix Search improvements 1/19/2023
enh Custom field automation condition - option to compare "greater than" not just "equal" 1/18/2023
fix Summary report: clicking tag cloud reloads the report with that tag 1/18/2023
fix Send "rate our support" links only to ticket submitters 1/17/2023
fix Sticky ticket header: bigger blur radius - better contract, different background on the dark theme 1/16/2023
fix Do not allow to convert ticket to a reply of itself 1/16/2023
fix Fixed import from Freshdesk 1/12/2023
fix Fixed months and years not scrolling in Safari and Chrome on MAC 1/12/2023
fix Canned response groups improvements 1/8/2023
fix Improved Hebrew translation 1/6/2023
fix Fixed ClickUp integration 1/5/2023
fix Fixed adding subscribers to tickets 1/5/2023
new WhatsApp integration 1/4/2023
fix UX: easier company deletion 1/4/2023
fix fix: mobile and browser push notifications not working if user opted out of email notifications 1/3/2023
enh Add tickets to assets right from the asset page, by ID 1/1/2023
fix Display video size before uploading screen-capture 12/30/2022
fix Fixed tags list when filtering by category 12/30/2022
fix Fixed user custom fields display in the popup 12/20/2022
fix Fixed ticket edit log 12/8/2022
fix Added minutes/seconds resolution to "Ticket creation date" automation rule 12/7/2022
fix Better checkbox-list state saving whern creating a new ticket 12/6/2022
enh Show reply as "possibly not delivered" when there's been an error connecting to email server. 12/5/2022
fix Fixed "Categories"API 12/3/2022
enh Added ability to set "via" (AKA "origin") when creating ticket with API 12/3/2022
fix New ticket page fix: when tech creates a ticket in a category he has no permissions in, hide "for tech" custom fields 11/30/2022
fix Discount "deleted" tickets in user/company/department profile page stats 11/28/2022
enh Create "on-behalf" ticket from user profile 11/26/2022
fix Sanitize "display:none" nodes from incoming emails 11/25/2022
fix Updated Finnish translation 11/25/2022
fix Fixed new ticket button on login page on mobile 11/23/2022
fix Assets suggestion box fix 11/23/2022
fix Fixed logic when a mailbox uses a now-deleted ticket category 11/22/2022
fix Backend performance improvements (less GC pauses) 11/21/2022
fix Due date calendar report performance 11/21/2022
fix Fixed reopen settings button behavior 11/21/2022
fix User manual updates 11/21/2022
enh Hindi translation fixes 11/19/2022
enh Added Croatian language 11/19/2022
fix Clickup API cache to deal with their rate limits 11/18/2022
enh Use machine-learning to get rid of useless image attachments (social network icons etc.) 11/17/2022
fix UI: offer to close a ticket when setting close date 11/17/2022
fix Faster parser json-parser for O365 mailboxes 11/15/2022
new ClickUp integration 11/15/2022
fix Purging deleted tickets - huge performance improvements 11/11/2022
fix Better ticket-list live updates when deleting/closing tickets 11/11/2022
fix Fix: JIRA server 8.4 and later breaks the API, added a workaorund 11/8/2022
fix Bugfix: disabled categories showing up in "move to category" dropdown 11/7/2022
new Ability to require two-factor auth for all users 11/6/2022
enh Design facelift: less bright "new" button, revamped sticky header in tickets etc. 11/5/2022
fix Profile popup: add user's email + flex + cleaner HTML 11/5/2022
enh "Recent comments" in emails now indicate which comments were "for techs only" 11/4/2022
enh "Technicians statistics" now accounts for working hours and days 11/1/2022
fix Incoming mail servers - quickly enable/disable right from the list 10/28/2022
fix Email deliverability fixes 10/26/2022
fix Create companies and users when importing assets from CSV if they do not exist 10/26/2022
fix Minor dark theme fixes 10/26/2022
fix More reliable URL detection for O365 oAuth redirects 10/26/2022
enh Ability to pass ?email=XXX to new ticket page when posting ticket anonymously 10/23/2022
enh User seach - added "enabled users only" filter 10/23/2022
fix Improved forwarded email detection 10/22/2022
fix "View original email" now respects user dark theme settings 10/22/2022
new Show "response time" and "duration" right in the ticket, as tooltips for "start date" and "resolved date" 10/22/2022
enh Added "New" tickets count to realtime dashboard 10/21/2022
enh Added rule deletion to AuditLog 10/17/2022
fix Security improvements (smarter WAF, eliminated potential XSS) 10/17/2022
enh Minor MailChecker speed improvements 10/7/2022
fix Fixed "notify user's manager" rule - better support for departments 10/7/2022
fix SaaS version - correct processing of emails CC'ed to multiple helpdesk instances 10/3/2022
fix Hide "updated by" username from KB articles to non-tech users 9/29/2022
fix Check empty required custom fields on new ticket form even when JavaScript is disabled 9/28/2022
fix CSV import - human readable error when required fields are missing 9/27/2022
fix Less memory allocations when exporting huge data to CSV 9/26/2022
fix Indicator "someone else is editing this KB article" to prevent race conditions 9/18/2022
fix Tuned mail dupes check to allow CC'ing same email to different helpdesk-monitored mailboxes 9/17/2022
fix More forgiving assets CSV import (quantity field parsing) 9/16/2022
fix Fixes for "ticket body contains" when body uses complicated html and search words spread in different tags 9/15/2022
fix Performance fixes throughout the app, less memory pressure 9/10/2022
enh Deployment performance improvements, so customers do not notice when we update the app several times a day 9/10/2022
fix Fixed category editing page layout 9/10/2022
fix Allow add-subscriber autocomplete box for managers 9/8/2022
fix Fixed KB editing in mobile browsers 9/2/2022
fix Minor fix adding subscribers by email 9/1/2022
fix Fixed saving "Ticket created X hours ago" automation 9/1/2022
fix Technician report performance improvements 8/31/2022
new Office 365 oAuth support for outbound SMTP email servers 8/29/2022
fix Better show/hide retired assets UI 8/19/2022
new Added Median response time and Median duraton to Technicians Statistics Report 8/19/2022
fix Tech stats - clickable link to "tickets created" 8/17/2022
new "Send email to user's manager" automation rule 8/15/2022
fix Fixed grid live updates for closed tickets 8/15/2022
fix Fixed tagging tickets via API (not removing old tags) 8/13/2022
fix Improved how notes for Companies are displayed in the list 8/11/2022
fix Fixed "Ticket comes from a company" automation condition when company is empty 8/9/2022
fix Updated MS Teams integration 8/5/2022
fix Jira, GitHub and GitLab integrations now show issue details on the ticket page, bot just URLs 8/3/2022
fix Suggest to admins to switch mailboxes from POP/IMAP to Office 365 8/3/2022
fix KB and Canned Responses dropdown fixes 8/3/2022
fix Fixed single quotes breaking user autosuggest boxes sometimes 8/1/2022
fix Redirect to the new ticket after merging 7/25/2022
fix Restored the missing properties in API GET Assets 7/23/2022
enh The numbers in Admin - Category - Tags are now clickable links 7/23/2022
fix Fixed clicking on a ticket row in Summary report to open a ticket 7/22/2022
enh Added "YTD - year to date" period to all ticket reports 7/19/2022
fix Automation: "abort further rules" improvements 7/19/2022
enh New automation rule "notify last replier" 7/14/2022
fix Faster fade in and out animations in the ticket grid 7/11/2022
enh Support ticket search by email when the email is mentioned in ticket text 7/9/2022
fix API: Added "recipientIds" parameter to POST Comment 7/9/2022
fix New API method: TicketIntegrationData 7/8/2022
fix Fixed section condition caching in Automation Rules 7/4/2022
enh Return "reason" when rejecting useless emails, more verbose logging 7/3/2022
enh Better permission check when closing tickets 6/28/2022
enh Include "techs only" private replies in email #Recent_messages# template IF the reply is also private and "techs only" 6/28/2022
fix Fixed GitLab integration 6/27/2022
fix Fixed default dropdown option? on new-ticket page 6/25/2022
enh Admin - Categories - hint if category uses a custom email template, quick edit link 6/24/2022
fix Custom fields automation performance 6/24/2022
new Bulk tagging assets in the list 6/23/2022
enh Option to delete original comment when moving comment to a new ticket 6/23/2022
fix Automation for overdue tickets - less delay 6/20/2022
fix Updated the Hebrew translation 6/20/2022
fix Fixed HTML "notes" on the company page 6/18/2022
fix Fixed company notes display in various places 6/17/2022
enh Linked tickets/subtickets pane design fixes: show username, ticket-ID, new "unlink" button 6/14/2022
fix Fixed #Originator# template in emails sent by automation rules 6/14/2022
enh Support "Shift+click" in KB articles category list checkboxes 6/12/2022
fix Fixed rating links prompting for login sometimes 6/12/2022
new Allow checkboxes in ticket text editor/HTML to support "checklist" functionality right inside tickets, like in Github 6/11/2022
enh Pre-filling custom fields via URL params on new ticket creation 6/8/2022
fix Database performance tweaks 6/7/2022
new New automation rule "Ticket was created more than X hours ago" 6/7/2022
enh Improved keyboard shortcuts on ticket page ("R" to reply, "ESC" to cancel reply, "J/K" -prev/next ticket, "Ctrl + ." KB, "Ctrl + ," Canned Responses) show shortcuts in tooltips 6/7/2022
fix Added an option to bulk unassign to the ticket grid popup 6/7/2022
new Customizable "Thank you" text when unregistered users create tickets via web-app 6/6/2022
enh User register page natispam 6/5/2022
new More sophisticated antivirus for all attachments 6/1/2022
new Due date calendar - sharable iCal link to subscribe in external calendar apps 5/22/2022
fix Removed the ability to disable users via CSV import in favor of "bulk actions". Many customers disable users accidentally 5/20/2022
fix Scheduled tickets history report - proper ordering 5/19/2022
fix Summary, Search - latest comments render fix 5/19/2022
fix Fixed managers change category permission bug 5/17/2022
fix Better messaging for "resend welcome email" 5/16/2022
enh Company page - shortcut to user search by the company 5/16/2022
new Option to hide all system entries form the ticket by default 5/12/2022
fix "Rate our support" links in emails now work without logging in 5/9/2022
fix Fixed random logouts if "remember me" is disable due to compliance 5/8/2022
fix Custom report UI fixes 5/7/2022
fix Fixed search with special characters like "AT&T" from top search box 5/5/2022
fix Accessibility fixes for screen readers 5/4/2022
fix Added ?? and ?? to the emoji picker 5/3/2022
fix Assets main page UI improvements 5/2/2022
fix Fixed "link existing JIRA issue" 4/28/2022
fix Friendly message instead of broken images in emails when attachments disabled 4/22/2022
fix Acessibility: close "recent tickets" and "user info" popups on ESC 4/21/2022
fix CSS styling for checkboxes for unified cross-browser look 4/15/2022
fix "Big" support widget script - support for pre-selected ticket category 4/15/2022
fix Fixed 404 in Summary report when customer has 100+ custom fields 4/15/2022
fix Fixed new ticket email confirmation for newly created users 4/14/2022
fix MailChecker performance improvements 4/14/2022
fix Fixed Summary and Dynamics reports losing tech filter under rare conditions 4/13/2022
fix Summary report "from" time fixed 4/13/2022
enh Added very basic file preview before uploading 4/9/2022
fix Support for custom favicons in Desktop notifications 4/8/2022
enh Widened duplicate files detection to match different users (still within one ticket) 4/7/2022
fix Added SAML provider settings to General Settings 4/7/2022
fix "Speed" and "Tickets per day" report URLs are also "saveable" now 4/5/2022
enh Dozens minor performance fixes + minimized freeze during deploys 4/4/2022
fix Summary report: use GET so people can save the url for later use 4/4/2022
enh Github and Gitlab integration: the list of repos is now searchable 3/30/2022
enh 2X faster HTML sanitizer engine 3/29/2022
fix CSV import improvements 3/28/2022
fix Acessibility fixes 3/26/2022
fix Better contrast in dark theme dropdowns 3/24/2022
enh Rewrote the backend to .NET 6, huge performance boost 3/23/2022
enh "showlogin" parameter for the login page to ignore the SAML "hide inputs" setting 3/22/2022
enh Log rejected "useless" inbound emails in "audit log" 3/19/2022
enh Assets quick search 3/19/2022
fix Assets - assign-unassign to users via ajax, no page refresh 3/19/2022
fix Redirect to proper assets list page after editing an item 3/19/2022
fix KB caching mobile view fixes 3/18/2022
fix Support "hide powered by" setting in the live chat widget for Enterprise customers 3/17/2022
fix Adding X-Jitbit-Ticket header when forwarding ticket by email to prevent ID clash 3/17/2022
enh Added "all unclosed tickets" option to Summary Report filter 3/16/2022
enh "Ideas with no upvotes" filter 3/16/2022
fix Power BI: now loads 3000 tickets, supports scheduled refresh 3/16/2022
fix Chat widget fixes 3/15/2022
new New setting: "Only send updates to subscribers when sent by techs" 3/15/2022
fix Sort Asset search results by name 3/13/2022
enh Summary report now allows filtering tickets assigned to deactivated technician accounts 3/11/2022
fix "Reply and close" now works only for technicians in ticket's category 3/11/2022
enh Improved Harvest integration - added time entry dialog right into tickets 3/10/2022
enh Ability to remove linked tickets and subtickets via API 3/6/2022
fix Accent tech subscribers with green checkboxes to distinguish from regular users 3/6/2022
fix "Ticket subject contains" automation now has an option to match the whole word only 3/5/2022
fix Added "CreatedByUserID" to api/articles endpoint 3/2/2022
fix Fixed updating checkbox custom fields for User/Asset/Companies 2/28/2022
fix Company popup - proper design for "recent tickets" list 2/17/2022
fix String parsing performance improvements 2/16/2022
enh Added "Abort further rules" automation action 2/15/2022
fix Slightly improved KB emails 2/12/2022
fix Performance improvement for "show all" tickets list 2/11/2022
fix Dependent drop-down custom fields "default" options fixes 2/11/2022
fix Fixed showing custom field inputs on "new asset" page too 2/8/2022
enh Added YTD option to Summary report intervals 2/7/2022
fix "You've been assigned" email notificaiton now includes ticket attachments 2/7/2022
fix Ability to hide username/password inputs when Google-login is enabled 2/6/2022
fix Fixed "undo" in wysiwyg-editor on paste 2/3/2022
fix Added "tickets created on behalf" to technician statistics CSV export 2/3/2022
fix Fixed sorting attachments by date 1/31/2022
fix Fixed canned response and text insertion sometimes happen outside editor in Firefox 1/27/2022
fix Improved "checkbox" custom field in grids 1/25/2022
fix Excel compatible CSV export for non-english characters (utf16 + BOM char) 1/25/2022
fix WYSIWYG fixes in Firefox 1/24/2022
fix DB optimizations 1/23/2022
fix @mention improvements 1/23/2022
fix Fixed "resend comment" bug 1/20/2022
fix Fixed ticket dates inthe user info popup 1/20/2022
fix Added "check all" when selecting attachments for forwarded tickets by email 1/20/2022
fix WYSIWYG fixes (proper font size, image pasting position) 1/19/2022
fix Github integration: order repos by "last pushed" 1/18/2022
fix Assets CSV export now includes all custom fields (not just "shown in grid") 1/18/2022
fix WYSIWYG list fixes 1/17/2022
new @-mention a user when writing replies! (adds the user to ticket subscribers and sends en email notification) 1/16/2022
fix Rewrote & improved WYSIWG editor 1/13/2022
fix Do not include excessive attachments in ticket confirmation emails 1/12/2022
fix Added validation for empty JIRA integration fields 1/10/2022
enh Added "total views" to KB analytics report 1/9/2022
fix Localized "Unsubscribe" link in emails 1/7/2022
fix Fixed saving "current date between" automation rule format 1/5/2022
fix Ticket search category dropdown fix 1/4/2022
fix Mandatory checkbox custom fields are also checked now 12/30/2021
new Auto purge tickets closed more than X days ago 12/23/2021
fix Fixed inline images when creating a new ticket from an existing comment 12/23/2021
fix Pressing Escape now focuses back on the editor when closing canned response or KB dropdowns 12/23/2021
fix Fixed editing "Delay" automation rule 12/23/2021
fix Import/Export form tabs redesign 12/23/2021
fix refactored avatar caching so dark/light UI switching changes right away 12/22/2021
fix New API method UnAssignAssetToUser 12/22/2021
fix Option to skip diff file when editing a comment 12/20/2021
fix Do not show "powered by jitbit" on the shared and print view when "hide powered by" setting is enabled 12/16/2021
enh Power BI connector now loads 3000 tickets instead of 300 12/14/2021
fix OneDrive integration fixes 12/12/2021
fix More performance tweaks 12/9/2021
enh New API method "Get user by ID" 12/9/2021
fix Fixed screen capturing in fullsize widget 12/9/2021
enh New API DeleteUser method 12/7/2021
enh Many infrastructure upgrades to protect from DDoS attacks and prevent outages 12/6/2021
fix Huge database performance improvements, Redis-caching to speed up deploys. 12/6/2021
enh Added support for cmd + enter (for Macs) everywhere where ctrl + enter is supported 11/29/2021
fix Mail template fixes for automation-rule notifications 11/26/2021
fix Added keyboard arrow key navigation for the KB dropdown as well 11/26/2021
fix Added hotkeys: "ctrl + ," opens canned responses, "ctrl + ." opens kb article dropdowns when writing a ticket reply 11/26/2021
fix Fixed comment deletion removing duplicate files incorrectly 11/25/2021
fix Added support for hotkeys to canned responses: navigate with up and down arrows, insert with enter 11/25/2021
fix Fixed ticket confirmation email when assigning ticket during creation 11/24/2021
enh Admin - Users - Quicksearch now finds "deactivated" users too 11/23/2021
fix throw 404 on all KB pages if KB is disabled, even when accessed directly 11/23/2021
fix Reworked JIRA integration: correct issue types are now show in the UI when a project is changed 11/23/2021
fix DevOps integration now supports rich text editing 11/22/2021
fix Fixed wide images in user profile comment history 11/22/2021
fix Datetime picker component localizations 11/17/2021
fix Improved email importer for semantic HTML tags 11/17/2021
fix Fixed Dashboard live update when deleting tickets 11/15/2021
fix Fixed the category filter in advanced ticket search 11/14/2021
enh Carry on the tags when creating a scheduled ticket 11/14/2021
fix Fix: rule-powered emails always remove the originator from recipients 11/14/2021
enh "You have been assigned" sent via desktop notifications too. Also, notifications now work on most pages, not just the ticket list 11/12/2021
fix Easier to spot mandatory custom fields 11/12/2021
fix Minor security fix 11/10/2021
fix Fixed the "time spent" timer restarting after a reply even if it is disabled by a global setting 11/9/2021
enh custom fields performance fixes 11/9/2021
new Admin - Users - Search can find users by company. Can be used to move users between companies in bulk, etc. 11/4/2021
fix Backend performance improvement 10/31/2021
enh Disable user accounts via CSV upload 10/29/2021
fix "Move comment to another ticket" only moves file attachments from that comment 10/28/2021
enh Added "ticket assigned to a deactivated tech" automation 10/27/2021
enh Export canned responses to CSV 10/27/2021
fix Automation engine fixes that might cancel some rules from running 10/26/2021
new Added "out of office" technicians to dashbaord 10/24/2021
new "Add sub-ticket" automation rule 10/22/2021
new API methods to get rule by ID, enable and disable a rule 10/22/2021
enh Option for administartors to skip logging diff file when editing a ticket (when removing sensitive info) 10/21/2021
fix Fixed GitLab integration 10/21/2021
fix Azure DevOps integration fixes 10/21/2021
fix "Latinizing" non-English letters (diacritics, cyrillic, etc) in KB url generation 10/19/2021
fix Fixed user "LastSeen" logging on new session start 10/15/2021
fix "Tickets per day" report now allows filtering per technician 10/15/2021
fix Fixed "Abort all further email notifications" rule 10/11/2021
enh Search for partial company names in ticket search 10/9/2021
fix Add log entry when Asset custom field is changed via API 10/9/2021
fix Security fixes 10/2/2021
fix Assets list + Asset search performance fixes 10/1/2021
fix Scalability & throughput improvements (async) 9/30/2021
fix Performance fixes & smoother deploys 9/30/2021
fix API fixes for JSON requests 9/30/2021
fix Show ticket assets to non-tech users (read-only mode) 9/30/2021
fix Fixed custom fields search 9/21/2021
fix Fixed "$$ is not defined" in live chat widget 9/20/2021
new Jitbit has been ported to .NET CORE. More info 9/13/2021
fix API method TicketCustomFields now includes all possible options for dropdowns 8/25/2021
enh KB search now uses "AND" logic for multiple word queries 8/25/2021
fix Optional access to Dashboard to technicians and managers 8/25/2021
fix Fixed month sorting in report graphs 8/23/2021
fix Drastically sped up ticket search by email-domain 8/21/2021
fix Fixed tags, secondary assignee, asset, etc. imputs when text had an apostrophe 8/16/2021
fix "Go to the original reply" button in the ticket attachment list 8/16/2021
enh "Reply and close" button now offers to close linked tickets too 8/14/2021
fix Fixes total count on assets page, added count to assets search 8/14/2021
enh Show involved assets on ticket print page 8/13/2021
enh Live-refresh custom fields on ticket page when updated by rules or by another user 8/13/2021
fix "Assign to noone" automation rule now removes secondary assignees too 8/13/2021
enh Minute-precision in "set ticket due date" automation rule 8/12/2021
enh Bulk-delete ideas using checkboxes 8/12/2021
fix Include file attachment information in the system comment about ticket forwarding 8/12/2021
enh Cloud attachments (Dropbox GDrive Box etc) are now supported in Knowledge Base, Assets etc, not just tickets 8/12/2021
new Automation rule "if custom field equals" now supports user and company custom fields 8/8/2021
enh Ability to set "start date" to X hours (or working hours) from current date 8/7/2021
enh Link to API token in user profile 8/4/2021
new Allow (almost) any HTML tags in Knowledge Base 8/2/2021
fix Fixed tag filter disappearing on assets with multiple pages 7/29/2021
fix Removed character limit for top announcements (for admins and techs) 7/27/2021
fix Better user permission editing UX 7/21/2021
fix Fixed pipe character in company names breaking autocomplete 7/18/2021
enh Include ticket submitter in the default search 7/16/2021
fix "Recently viewed tickets" cleaner design 7/15/2021
enh Ticket "checkbox" custom field can now be edited right away, without clicking "..." then "OK" etc 7/8/2021
new Ability to move comments from one ticket to another if a user makes a mistake 7/8/2021
fix Ability to add "system" comments via API 7/8/2021
enh When email template contains #Attachments# links - show most recent reply's attachments on top, sort the rest alphabetically 7/7/2021
fix New API method: UserSearch 7/6/2021
enh Ability to add "system updates" to tickets via "add reply" automation rule 7/6/2021
fix Order tags alphabetically in the UI 7/6/2021
enh Users CSV import now support "Department" 7/6/2021
enh Allow users delete their own ideas and edit tags 7/5/2021
enh "Add exsiting subticket" tool 7/5/2021
fix Fixed sorting the ticket attachment list by date 7/5/2021
fix Show custom fields when expanding subtickets in the grid 7/2/2021
enh "Insert KB article" now inserts article with title 7/1/2021
fix Speed up bulk user deletion 7/1/2021
fix Added an ability to add related assets on ticket creation (for techs only) 6/29/2021
fix Show only 10 most popular tags on the KB index page with a link to show all tags 6/29/2021
fix Fixed sorting search results in new Chrome version 6/29/2021
fix Scheduled tickets now carry on custom fields from original ticket 6/26/2021
fix Fixed bulk-adding techs from company/department 6/24/2021
new HUGE performance improvements for the database - better indexes and faster ticket lists 6/22/2021
new Token-based authenticaiton for API 6/20/2021
fix Added #Via# field to email templates - it is replaced with a ticket origin (email, web, live chat, etc.) 6/11/2021
fix Database performance 6/8/2021
new Trigger automation rule on ticket deletion 6/4/2021
fix Support "time spent" more than 100 hours in the ticket UI 6/4/2021
new Allow users from same department seeing each other tickets 6/3/2021
new TeamViewer integration 5/31/2021
fix Ticket print: option to hide all replies / system entries 5/31/2021
fix Fixed some tickets not shown in due dates calendar 5/30/2021
enh Background job optimizations 5/26/2021
enh Ability to reorder sections by drag-n-drop 5/25/2021
new Ability to customize the satisfaction survey prompt text 5/22/2021
fix Performance optimizations 5/15/2021
fix Ticket scheduler fixes 5/15/2021
new A user can be made a "Manager" for either company or department 5/9/2021
new Option to disable built-in timezone-based holidays 5/7/2021
fix Fixed Freshdesk import 5/6/2021
fix Dashboard reponse-time and resolution-time now supports working hours and holidays 5/4/2021
fix Company stats report "response time" now properly accounts for working hours and holidays 5/3/2021
new Admin tools to clean up empty companies and departments 5/2/2021
new New option - only admins can assign tickets to other admins 4/30/2021
fix Show full names in secondary assignees list 4/30/2021
fix Added an ability to change your billing plan in the admin panel 4/29/2021
fix Fixed img width/height lost in email notifications (resulted in huge logos) 4/27/2021
fix Fixed rule editor "current date between" error 4/26/2021
enh Fixed live chat widget breaking in modern browsers CORS (not using cookies any more) 4/23/2021
fix Workaround for custom-JS browser caching after editing 4/23/2021
fix Hide "Reports" tab if no reports allowed to user 4/22/2021
enh Added "Department" to summary report 4/22/2021
fix Fixed importing calendar attachments from incoming emails, also any attachments with broken filenames 4/15/2021
new Preview ticket text on mouse hover 4/10/2021
enh Selecting individual file attachments when forwarding ticket by email 4/7/2021
fix Preserve collapsed sections between page reloads 4/5/2021
fix All notifications from "critical" priority tickets now send high importance email notications 4/5/2021
enh Custom report - grouping by a custom field now processes tickets with unset field too 4/1/2021
fix Fixed minor filter/tabs inconsistencies (e.g. clicking "Unassigned" when "Assigned to X" filter is active) 4/1/2021
fix Fixed ticket sorting by custom field after clicking "more" 3/31/2021
fix Fixed setting out of office via API 3/29/2021
new Ideas - added the "ideas I'm subscribed to" filter 3/26/2021
enh "Latest reply contains" automation - option to look in customer replies only 3/26/2021
enh Filter summary report by department 3/26/2021
fix Logging comment deletion in the audit log 3/26/2021
enh Include ticket attachments into ticket confimation email 3/25/2021
fix Bulk-actions permissions improvements 3/25/2021
fix Fixed dashboard response/resolution time calculation 3/19/2021
fix Render line breaks in multiline custom fields 3/18/2021
new Backend improvements: mail-checker module is fully 'async' now 3/15/2021
fix "Notify assigned tech" automation rule now supports sending mobile push notifications 3/15/2021
enh Ability to resize image after inserting into WYSIWYG editor 3/15/2021
enh When filtering by tag - filter the category list and tag menu accordingly 3/14/2021
fix Fixed #Unsubscribe# links in emails 3/10/2021
new Scan all attachments for viruses 3/9/2021
enh Collapse/expand sections in the category menu 3/7/2021
fix Increased maximum allowed section name to 250 characters to bring it on par with category names 3/5/2021
fix Fixed a visual bug with tags overflowing the container in Summary report 3/5/2021
fix Drastically improved page load times for tickets with a lot of replies 3/3/2021
fix Unsubscribe link in emails fixed 3/3/2021
fix SAML: added extracting the "location" attribute 3/2/2021
fix User Search looks for "secondary" emails too 3/1/2021
fix Bugfix for "tech only" custom fields on new ticket form 2/26/2021
enh Ability to hide category selector in live-chat widget via JS 2/25/2021
fix Fixed rich formatting hotkeys in Safari 2/25/2021
enh "Email contains" automation now supports exact matches 2/24/2021
fix UI - disable removing ticket-creator from subscribers, the app adds them back anyway, but leads to confusion 2/23/2021
fix "Scroll to the top" button in the sticky header in the ticket view 2/22/2021
new Capture still screenshots (not just video) from the web-interface 2/22/2021
fix Automation rules performance fixes 2/21/2021
enh Editing a ticket adds a message to audit log 2/17/2021
fix Leave a system comment when a tech manually removes 'upd by cust' or 'upd for tech' badges 2/17/2021
enh Show built-in holidays tracked by the app on the "custom holidays" page 2/16/2021
fix Fixed client-side sorting on some pages not compatible with new jquery 2/16/2021
enh Filtering the tickets grid by mutlitple tags with Shift+Click 2/15/2021
enh Added "in-person" option to the "via" ticket field 2/15/2021
fix Show if an article is for techs only in KB suggestions 2/15/2021
fix Do not show edit logs in the main attachment list, also do not allow deleting the logs 2/15/2021
fix Proper support for dependent dropdown custom fields in User, Assets and Companeis 2/14/2021
fix Improved breadcrumbs navigation in the admin panel 2/14/2021
fix Fixed minor KB-publihsing bug 2/12/2021
enh Summary report - clickable pie charts, filters tickets by the clicked dimension 2/12/2021
fix Removing tracking pixels from incoming emails 2/10/2021
fix Fixed line breaks in "add reply" automation rules 2/9/2021
fix SMTP throttling for office365 connections 2/7/2021
enh Many SMTP-server connection improvements 2/6/2021
fix Fixed missing "Invoices" section in the Billing page for old customers 2/4/2021
fix Dashboard UTC time bugs resolved 2/4/2021
fix New ticket page category selector performance fixes for huge category lists (500 and more) 2/3/2021
fix Show user full name on company/department page 1/29/2021
enh Added "Priority" to CSV ticket export 1/28/2021
fix Support HTML body in "api/UpdateTicket" 1/28/2021
fix Two-factor auth: limited the number of times you can enter incorrect auth code before getting banned for 1 minute 1/25/2021
fix Allowed longer SMTP passwords 1/25/2021
fix Added "EN-CA" locale for Canadian date format + holidays 1/24/2021
enh Allow editing article text before publishing ticket to KB 1/23/2021
fix Fixed Asana integraiton 1/19/2021
fix Dashboard Fullscreen support in more browsers 1/18/2021
fix Added LastSeen to users CSV export 1/18/2021
enh Added "create NEW linked ticket" menu item 1/17/2021
enh "Add reply" automation rule now supports template masks like #Body# #FirstName# 1/16/2021
fix Sending emails can fail from "not-updated" and "overdue" automation rules 1/15/2021
fix Fixed loosing reply attachments when reply is being edited for too long (20-30minutes) 1/14/2021
enh Add asset-log entry when editing asset custom fields 1/14/2021
fix Update the current view ticket count in real time 1/13/2021
fix Show "no more ticket left" screen when they are no more tickets to show. Also, show the ticket grid when "no more tickets" is shown and a new ticket comes 1/8/2021
fix Fixed "set ticket subject" automation rule with custom fields mask 1/6/2021
fix Update "dates ago" in the ticket grid in real time in the ticket list 1/5/2021
fix Ideas Forum: submit replies on Ctrl + Enter 1/3/2021
fix Search in ticket replies by default 1/3/2021
fix Added live badges to the sticky bar in the ticket view 12/21/2020
fix "2020 in review" report 12/18/2020
enh Option to disable "remember me" on login page for compliance (HIPAA etc) 12/17/2020
fix Google login fixes 12/16/2020
fix Fixed endpoints for Github Enterprise integration 12/14/2020
enh Logging last-connect date/time + result for external mailboxes, show it in the UI 12/14/2020
fix Prevent auto-zoom in live chat widget in mobile Safari iOS 12/14/2020
fix Fixed minor priority filtering bug 12/11/2020
fix A lot of Gitlab integration fixes, especially for the self-hosted Gitlab version 12/11/2020
fix Redesigned tags menu/filter on Tickets and Assets pagers 12/9/2020
new Assets now support tags 12/7/2020
new Round Robin ticket assignment automation rule 12/4/2020
fix Do not play sounds for system comments in live chat 12/4/2020
new Filter ticket list by multiple categories using Shift + Click 12/1/2020
fix Editing custom field minor bug fix 11/30/2020
enh Floating header: show ticket-ID, clicking Subject scrolls back to top (similar to Github) 11/29/2020
fix Fixed copy-pasting stuff from Google Sheets 11/27/2020
fix Send mobile push notifications on new live chat replies to the assigned tech 11/25/2020
fix Fixed #Suggested_KB_articles# mask not working in some cases 11/24/2020
enh DDoS protection improvements 11/24/2020
fix Show creator name in new idea notifications 11/24/2020
enh Chat widget antispam improvement 11/24/2020
enh Add actual error message to alerts sent to customers who use custom SMTP 11/24/2020
fix Do not create scheduled tickets for deleted tickets 11/23/2020
new Keep a tiny infobar on top when scrolling down a ticket 11/23/2020
new Grouping Canned Response info "folders" 11/20/2020
enh New automation action: "current date is between" 11/19/2020
fix Multilanguage improvements 11/19/2020
fix Added "Toggle fullscreen" button to the dashboard 11/18/2020
fix Throttle KB email notifications if user decides to edit the article again 11/17/2020
fix Automation condition "Ticket has zero replies" now has an option to ignore ticket submitter replies 11/13/2020
fix Anti-Flood fix if email sent to multiple queue addresses deliberately 11/12/2020
enh Shift+Click a subscriber checkbox checks/unchecks ALL subscribers 11/12/2020
fix Increased the number of tickets in Power BI connector from 100 to 300 (requires redownloading the connector) 11/12/2020
new Added Romanian language 11/12/2020
fix Added a permanent link to the changelog to the bottom of the main admin page on the hosted version 11/12/2020
fix Fixed and improved assets CSV import error handling 11/12/2020
fix New API methods: CompanyCustomFields, UserCustomFields 11/12/2020
fix ##Ticket_Number mentions improvement 11/11/2020
fix Fixed: copying category does not copy FromName 11/10/2020
enh Ticket page: load new replies after websocket disconnect/reconnect (lost wifi signal etc) 11/8/2020
enh #CF_xxx# mask in email templates now works for techs-only custom fields too (#Custom_Fields# for the public ones only) 11/8/2020
fix Tickets dashboard: added "tickets per day", added category filter, fixed some calculation bugs 11/6/2020
new Automatiom rule execution log: see a list of the last 10 tickets the rule was executed on in the "rule edit" page 11/5/2020
enh Techniques to prevent ticket duplicates from email 11/4/2020
fix Trello Integration: fix for accented characters 11/4/2020
fix Fixed idea comments notifications 11/3/2020
new "Unshare a ticket" automation action 11/2/2020
fix Fixed report labels color in Firefox 11/2/2020
fix Fixed canned responses/kb popups 11/1/2020
fix Bugfix: empty new ticket email template (for techs) was causing ticket confirmations not to be sent 11/1/2020
enh Added "out of office" to "UpdateUser" API 10/31/2020
fix Properly show inline images in "shared" tickets 10/29/2020
fix Sort asset tickets by newest first 10/28/2020
new Controlling individual report permissions 10/22/2020
fix "To-address does NOT contain" automation option 10/21/2020
fix Fixes least busy automation bug 10/20/2020
fix More contrast for prioiry/status in dark theme 10/20/2020
fix Improved quoted emails remover 10/17/2020
new API methods to update User/Company custom fields 10/16/2020
fix User profile page improvements 10/16/2020
fix Performance fixes 10/15/2020
fix Editing user greeti?g and signature via API 10/15/2020
fix More securty fixes 10/15/2020
new NEW: automation rule "Auto-assign to the least busy technician" 10/8/2020
fix Clicking "tickets" on User/Company/Department page resets the filter (if any) 10/8/2020
fix Performance imropvements 10/7/2020
fix Added a remineder to enable browser notifications 10/7/2020
fix New automation: "mark ticket upd FOR tech" 10/5/2020
fix Fixed XML in wisywig editors 10/4/2020
fix Ideas anti-spam fixes 9/29/2020
fix Make it clear that when an email template is empty a notification will not be sent 9/28/2020
enh Background automation jobs for "Ticket not updated" and "Ticket overdue" - massively improved performance and reliability 9/28/2020
new Secondary email address(es) for users 9/27/2020
enh Show category descriptions as tooltips on new ticket page when hovering mouse 9/25/2020
enh Ctrl+K to add link in all content-editors 9/25/2020
new Ability to pre-set the user's email in live-chat widget via JavaScript 9/24/2020
fix Fixed "dependent" custom fields for Users/Companies/Assets 9/23/2020
fix User/Company autocomplete box improvements 9/23/2020
fix New automation condition: "Technician is looking at the ticket" 9/23/2020
fix Fixed Asset search by a numeric custom field 9/21/2020
new Admins can now edit ticket "start date" 9/20/2020
enh Make "unsubscribe form this ticket" link in emails optional 9/18/2020
enh Live-chat indicator in browser notifications 9/18/2020
fix Ticket scheduler realiability fixes 9/16/2020
enh Add a special "live chat" icon to "new ticket" email notification if the ticket comes via livechat 9/15/2020
fix Email signature cutter improvements 9/14/2020
new New automation condition "ticket has zero replies" 9/11/2020
fix Various mobile push notification fixes 9/10/2020
fix Send a mobile push notification with sound and vibration when a live chat ticket is created 9/10/2020
enh New "via" option for tickets - "live chat widget" 9/10/2020
fix Support for "defer" loading option in the live chat widget 9/10/2020
fix Fixed file uploads via new-ticket popup widget (cross-site issue in new Chrome) 9/9/2020
new Sharing tickets via a readonly link like in Google Docs 9/7/2020
enh Add system comment when unlinking tickets 9/7/2020
enh Companies page UX fixes 9/6/2020
enh Satisfaction report - switching filter by ticket close-date or create-date 9/6/2020
fix Fixed numeric custom fields search 9/3/2020
fix Remove formatting when copy-pasting from dark theme 9/2/2020
fix Fixed URLs in custom fields 9/1/2020
fix Redesigned the comment toolbar 8/31/2020
new User logon history report 8/30/2020
fix Fixed subject pre-fill via query string on new ticket page 8/28/2020
enh Hiding system entries when priting ticket 8/26/2020
fix Fixed user merging 8/25/2020
fix Zendesk and Freshdesk import fixes 8/25/2020
enh Added "Unfollow this ticket" link to emails for GDPR 8/21/2020
fix Custom field tiny permission fix 8/20/2020
fix Printing KB articles fixes 8/20/2020
fix Do not filter bounce and error messages if it's a forwarded email 8/19/2020
enh New automation condition "if ticket creator's user-lookup data contains" 8/18/2020
fix Dark mode fixes 8/18/2020
enh Allow moving "new" tickets to custom statuses 8/13/2020
fix Fixed deleting asset types, suppliers, manufacturers 8/12/2020
new Custom fields for companies 8/12/2020
fix Rule editor: fixed time support in date-time custom fields 8/7/2020
fix Bulk-action fixes 8/7/2020
fix support "statusId" mask in Http automation 7/18/2020
fix Clone more attributes when cloning ticket, including tags 7/18/2020
fix Display user count on company page 7/15/2020
fix Add clickable note when closing ticket from parent/linked 7/14/2020
fix Added Hungarian translation 7/14/2020
fix Do not filter non-delivery and out-of-office notification if the subjects starts with "fw:" 7/13/2020
fix Front end performance improvements 7/13/2020
fix Added "cancel" button when adding reply 7/10/2020
fix Fixed section reorder in admin panel 7/10/2020
enh Finished migration to new outbound email engine, more reliable SMTP now 7/7/2020
fix Custom report fixes 7/7/2020
fix Multi-language translation fixes 7/7/2020
fix More minor security fixes 7/3/2020
enh Important security fixes 6/30/2020
enh Renamed Event Log to Audit Log 6/28/2020
fix less aggressive file-attachments caching 6/26/2020
fix Better JS error reporting to Jitbit team via Sentry 6/25/2020
fix LDAP integration fixes 6/23/2020
fix Bulk ticket actions performance improvements 6/22/2020
fix Basecamp integration fixes 6/22/2020
fix allow float numbers in numeric custom fields in new chrome 6/21/2020
enh Automation job performance improvements (async runners) 6/19/2020
fix Support "CF_XXXX" masks in "set ticket subject" automation rules 6/17/2020
fix CSS fixes for the new Chrome release 6/17/2020
fix Improved the "also looking at this ticket" module - supports the "ticket opened in two tabs" case 6/16/2020
fix Minor password policy fix 6/16/2020
enh Option to automatically redirect to identity provider when SAML/SSO is enabled 6/16/2020
fix Schema support in custom field URL detection. E.g. set a user custom field to "skype:user" and clicking it will start a skype call. 6/15/2020
new Custom fields for USERS (not just tickets) 6/14/2020
fix Do not show deleted tickets to non-techs 6/12/2020
new New API methods: to get, retrieve sub tickets and linked tickets 6/12/2020
fix Fixed Basecamp integration 6/10/2020
new New automation condition "if ticket came via..." 6/10/2020
enh Bulk remove due date from tickets 6/9/2020
fix Ticket search speed improvements 6/8/2020
new All new design for all anonymous user facing pages: KB, login page, register, "lost password" etc. 6/8/2020
fix Faster image thumbnails generation 6/6/2020
fix Expading sub-tickets in grid respects the current sorting 6/6/2020
fix Better async performance in HTTP-request automation rules 6/6/2020
fix Improved datetime input rendering for custom fields 6/5/2020
fix More Dropbox/GDrive/Onedrive/Boxcom fixes 6/4/2020
fix OneDrive file picker now returns sharable URLs (was returning protected URL not visible to anyone) 6/4/2020
new Dashboard links to ticket list 6/3/2020
fix New automation rule "Latest reply came from a non-subscriber" 6/3/2020
new Added "Last Updated By Username" to tickets list 6/2/2020
fix Clicking away cancels editing ticket subject 6/1/2020
fix Fixed double slash in browser notifications URL 6/1/2020
fix Default ticket search now looks in dropdown custom fields too 5/31/2020
new Ticket Search now looks in custom fields too 5/31/2020
fix Human-readable missing paramater error message in API 5/28/2020
enh Attach files during asset creation 5/28/2020
new All new outbound email component, faster and more reliable 5/28/2020
fix Asset cloning improvements 5/28/2020
new Box.com integration 5/28/2020
fix Order sections by name on admin pages for easier lookup 5/28/2020
new Notify admins when their custom SMTP server is down 5/27/2020
enh Improved text search performance within replies 5/25/2020
fix Security improvements 5/21/2020
fix More granular "delay" automation actrion (seconds precision) 5/20/2020
fix Fixed automation-triggered comments display 5/19/2020
enh Support for deleting messages instead of marking as read in Office 365 mailboxes 5/18/2020
fix Proper notifications when converting a ticket to a reply 5/12/2020
fix Respect custom status categories in mobile apps/API 5/11/2020
enh Realtime dashboard - ability to select "today, 7-days, 30-days" 5/11/2020
fix Quick in-place editing for ticket subject 5/10/2020
new Ability to add custom public holidays 5/10/2020
fix Fixed switching "total" links in the grid 5/8/2020
fix Added "Category permissions audit" to technicians report 5/8/2020
fix Translation fixes + saved filters styling 5/8/2020
fix "Mark answered/unanswered" automation rule fixes 5/7/2020
fix Remove extra formatting when copy-pasting from tickets, so text looks nice in other software 5/7/2020
enh Admin user search - added an option to search "regular' users only 5/6/2020
fix Fixed canned responses in Edge browser 5/5/2020
new New automation action "mark reply as 'tech-only'" 5/4/2020
fix Dropbox integration fixes 5/4/2020
fix Google Drive fixed also no need for API-id etc, just enable the checkbox and that's it. 5/2/2020
new One Drive support (attaching files to tickets) 5/2/2020
fix Fixed desktop notifications for new tickets 5/1/2020
fix API search imrovements 4/24/2020
fix Fixed localized status names in API 4/24/2020
new Added /LinkedTickets" to API 4/17/2020
fix JS fixes in summary report 4/17/2020
fix "Ticket forwarded" log is now html and properly formatted 4/17/2020
fix Proper ticket links from techs report 4/15/2020
fix Fixed "autologin builder" in admin panel 4/15/2020
enh Redesigned current user button, less clutter 4/14/2020
new New custom status permission "for managers only" 4/13/2020
enh Satisfaction report improvements: more intuitive chart colors, click on chart to filter tickets by ratings, filter by categories, assigned techs and companies 4/13/2020
fix Show proper custom fields when looking at a section-filtered grid 4/12/2020
new New workflow automation action "Abort further emails" 4/9/2020
fix If an email comes into ticket from a non-subscriber mark it "private" (for techs) otherwise sensitive info might get out 4/7/2020
fix Ticket forwarding UI fixes 4/6/2020
new Prompt to close subtickets when closing ticket 4/6/2020
new Advanced User Search - searching for users with/without tickets, Admins only, Techs only etc. 4/2/2020
fix Html sanitizer fixes 4/1/2020
fix Ideas search pagination fix 3/31/2020
fix EMail signature remover improvements 3/31/2020
enh Security improvements (detecting and filtering dangerous requests) 3/27/2020
fix Ticket forward form improvements 3/27/2020
fix Dark theme fixes 3/27/2020
fix "Not enough permissions" message for disallowed tickets 3/27/2020
new New automation rule "delete all subscribers" 3/26/2020
new Dark theme UI (per-user setting) 3/24/2020
new Ability to attach more files when editing a ticket 3/23/2020
enh Improved "with attachments" ticket search 3/23/2020
enh Faster external servers for downloading ticket attachments 3/22/2020
fix Fixed company display when expanding subticket 3/22/2020
fix TIme spent more than 24 hours fixed 3/17/2020
new Added link to realtime dashboard 3/17/2020
enh Drastically improved search speed for technicians 3/12/2020
fix Fixed "include assigned user singature" bug 3/12/2020
enh Added "creation date", "updated by" and "update date" to automation rules 3/10/2020
fix Support dd/dl/dt tags in WYSIWYG editor 3/10/2020
fix Database perfrormance tweaks 3/9/2020
fix Technicians report - fixed link to "active tickets within date range" 3/5/2020
new Support "mode=disabled" in /users API 3/4/2020
fix Minor wysiwyg-editor fixes 3/4/2020
enh API performance optimizations 3/1/2020
fix Scheduled report rendering performance 2/29/2020
fix Fixed tag/user autosuggest control 2/28/2020
new Reopen ticket and mark it "for tech" on failed email delivery 2/25/2020
fix Show only allowed categories in bulk action selector 2/25/2020
enh Show file sizes in ticket attachments block 2/22/2020
fix Properly restoring attachments to original tickets when unmerging 2/21/2020
fix Send techonly comments to techs in the ticket category only, not all tech-subscribers 2/21/2020
enh Added percentage numbers to all pie chart slices 2/20/2020
new Show users count in Admin - Users 2/19/2020
new Power Bi integration. Read more... 2/18/2020
fix Nicer pager controlls for Users, Assets and Ideas, also additional pager on top of Users 2/17/2020
new New ticket custom field permission type: "visible to everyone, editable by technicians/admins only" 2/14/2020
fix Protection from accidentaly disabling/deleting your own user account via admin bulk-actions 2/13/2020
new Access to full scheduler settings when creating a ticket 2/12/2020
new Allow users edit their own tickets (saving changes to the log) 2/11/2020
fix Password reset procedure improvements 2/11/2020
fix Fixed error when empty template was still sending ticket updates via email 2/10/2020
new Added past invoices to the billing section 2/10/2020
fix IE suport in custom reports 1/31/2020
fix Grid performance improved 1/28/2020
new Ability to bulk-restore deleted tickets from "Search" 1/28/2020
new Added "delay" automation action 1/26/2020
new Slight KB redesign 1/24/2020
fix Basecamp integration fix 1/19/2020
fix Option to remove a tag via automation rules 1/15/2020
enh Added "includeCustomFields" parameter to api/tickets (false by default) 1/15/2020
fix Fixed "Set ticket subject" automation action "Add as a prefix" option not saving 1/15/2020
enh GitLab on-premise integration 1/11/2020
new Satisfaction report - Show individual tickets with their ratings 1/10/2020
new Ability to disable/archive a category 1/9/2020
fix Saml "ReturnUrl" fix 1/8/2020
enh Enhanced TFS/VSO/Azure DevOps integration - added "Iteration" field, proper "Bug" description 1/6/2020
enh Company info popup - added recent tickets list + fixed user number 1/5/2020
fix Fixed searching by range Date+Time custom fields 12/27/2019
fix Fixed due date sorting in Ticket Summary report 12/27/2019
enh Added tags to Summary report 12/26/2019
new Ability to "select all" tickets in the list, even the ones not showing, like in GMail. 12/25/2019
enh Show "Knowledge Base description" on top of the Ideas Forum page as well 12/23/2019
enh New automation action: "Set start date" 12/23/2019
enh Support dependent custom fields in ticket editing form, not just ticket creation 12/21/2019
fix Performance optmizations 12/18/2019
fix KB bulk edit category fixes 12/18/2019
fix Show Knowledge Base article subscribers to admins (includes cat. techs. article & category subscribers) 12/17/2019
fix Use localized Status name in emails. 12/16/2019
new Editor - added support for nested lists and "indent" and "outdent" 12/16/2019
new Added "No. tickets taken" to the "Tickets per day" report 12/15/2019
new Added Chinese Traditional language 12/15/2019
fix Fixed ticket forward page 12/14/2019
new Customizable colors for custom ticket statuses 12/13/2019
new Summary report - filter by multiple technicians 12/12/2019
new Different top announcement bar message for admins and technicians 12/12/2019
fix Ticket search improvements 12/11/2019
fix Fixed minor UI bugs + missing translations 12/10/2019
new Extract user profile picture during Google Login 12/9/2019
new New automation action "Set ticket subject" 12/7/2019
fix Show Close button in "new" tickets too 12/7/2019
enh Security fix 12/5/2019
new Creating new subtickets from ticket's "more" menu 12/4/2019
enh Show department in user popup 12/4/2019
enh "Set due date" automation option to shift from current due date 12/4/2019
enh Show announcement bar to admins if a custom SMTP has failed 15 times 12/3/2019
new MS Teams integration (new tickets) 12/1/2019
fix Added pt-BR language and fixed Australian holidays 11/30/2019
fix Satisfaction rating fixes (report colors, proper translations etc) 11/30/2019
new KB: Show automatically suggested tags when editing articles 11/29/2019
fix Fix: applying grid filter does not reset tag selection 11/28/2019
fix Human-readable EML-file viewer for "original email" 11/27/2019
enh Asana integration oAuth support and fixes 11/27/2019
fix Show Ticket/KB/Ideas statistics in "Admin - Tags" 11/26/2019
new Added tag list to Ideas "view all" mode 11/23/2019
enh Security improvements (XSS, SQLi and similar attack detection rules) 11/23/2019
fix Fix "Fetch new emails" respects "Mark as read" setting 11/21/2019
fix Ability to bulk-enable users from the admin panel 11/19/2019
enh Added #priority# to HTTP request automation action 11/19/2019
fix Fixed minor notification bug for on-behalf tickets 11/14/2019
fix Proper HTML support for automation emails 11/13/2019
fix Wildcard ticket search improved 11/13/2019
enh Added popop image preview in Knowledge Base (just like in tickets) 11/12/2019
enh Show if email notifications are disabled in the ticket subscriber list 11/12/2019
new Added percentage pie-charts to Technicians report 11/11/2019
enh Added an ability to search Event Log report 11/11/2019
enh Renamed Deletion Log report to Event Log since we log way more events and actions now 11/11/2019
new "Show original email" for tickets and comments (shows .eml) 11/10/2019
fix Added "tickets on behalf" to technicians report 11/9/2019
enh Added an ability to filter by user in Deletion Log 11/8/2019
fix HTTP automation custom headers fixes 11/6/2019
fix Fixed saving floating point numeric custom fields 11/4/2019
enh Assign canned responses to multiple categories not just one 11/3/2019
fix Fixed retired assets pagination 10/31/2019
fix Allow priority edits for category-techs only 10/31/2019
fix Show assigned tech for subtickets in the grid fix#479 10/29/2019
fix Added "api/Subscribers" (getting ticket subscribers) 10/26/2019
new Added an opton to schedule tickets on "Xth Monday/Tuesday/etc of every month" 10/18/2019
fix Made "reply above this line" more visible in ticket emails 10/14/2019
fix Changing ticket status now sets "last updated" date 10/14/2019
fix Fixed umlaut chars in due-date calendar 10/14/2019
new You can now create subtickets to existing tickets 10/11/2019
enh Design improvements on the home KB page 10/11/2019
new Dependent dropdown values for custom fields (video) 10/11/2019
new Basecamp integration 10/8/2019
new Added satisfaction rating report and survey links to the "ticket closed" template mask #RatingLinks# 10/7/2019
enh Added #fromEmail# to HTTP Request automation action 10/5/2019
enh Bulk enable/disable email for users 10/3/2019
enh UpdateTicket API - options to update subject and body 9/29/2019
fix Moved "Priority" out of "Advanced" on "New ticket" page 9/28/2019
enh Make the "via" field selectable when creating tickets on-behalf 9/22/2019
enh Log email rejections for disabled users in "deletion log" 9/2/2019
enh Ctrl + Shift + Enter for "reply and close" button 9/1/2019
enh Allow top bar announcements for techs only (using #tech# mask) 8/23/2019
enh Highlight replies coming from non-subscribers 8/19/2019
enh Process automation before new ticket confirmation 8/12/2019
new Option to resend an existing attachment again 8/11/2019
enh Show a warning when posting a reply while impersonating another user 8/7/2019
enh Vimeo videos auto embed, just like YouTube 8/5/2019
enh GitLab integration: list all projects 8/4/2019
fix Update template when changing category on new-ticket page 8/4/2019
new New automation condition "assigned agent is Out Of Office" 8/3/2019
new Send new ticket confirmation to all subscribers too 8/1/2019
enh Company popup, just like the user popup (click on a company name) 7/31/2019
enh Disable editing custom fields and deleting attachments if ticket is closed 7/28/2019
fix Do not send "ALL techs" notification when explicit recipients specified 7/28/2019
fix "Notify ALL technicians in a category when a customer updates a ticket" do not send notifications to admins 7/12/2019
enh Support HTML in automation rules email-sending actions 7/8/2019
enh JIRA integration - added API token as an option 7/4/2019
enh New automation condition "assigned agent is Out Of Office" 7/3/2019
enh Link to an automation rule from the ticket log 7/2/2019
enh Canned responses "quick search" now searches within canned responses body too. 6/30/2019
enh When creating tickets from comments - link tickets and add ##-mention to the original comment 6/27/2019
enh Support for ##TicketID mention 6/27/2019
enh Show Out of Office status on grid & new ticket assign box 6/25/2019
enh Much faster search 6/23/2019
new New setting - minimum characters required when creating tickets 6/21/2019
enh New ticket form - moved “category” to the top 6/18/2019
enh Option to "add assignee signature" to "add reply" automation action 6/13/2019
fix Fixed summary report category list for managers 6/12/2019
fix KB search improvements 6/5/2019
enh Option to remove ticket subscribers via automation 6/1/2019
enh Show "number of replies written" on user profile page 5/27/2019
new Ability to set "out of office" status for users 5/23/2019
new Support for multiple built-in email addresses per instance More info... 5/21/2019
enh Better support for RTL languages (Hebrew and Arabic) 5/20/2019
new Added report "% of tickets closed within the first 1,2,4,8,24,48 hours" 5/19/2019
new Added Estonian, Latvian, Lithuanian languages 5/18/2019
fix Fixed Slack integration 5/16/2019
enh Added quick filter box to automation rules list for better search 5/13/2019
enh "Resend comment" now resends attachments too 5/12/2019
enh Summary report and Dynamics report are made visible to managers too (since they see tickets anyway) 5/12/2019
enh If Summary report filters tickets by category, include cusotm fields from that category only 5/10/2019
enh Added "origin" to the summary report 5/5/2019
enh Added tags to ticket export 5/4/2019
new Per-category email templates 5/4/2019
enh Show user lookup data in user-popups 4/26/2019
enh Keyboard shortcuts for previous/next tickets (J and K like in Gmail), Ctrl+Enter on ticket-edit 4/26/2019
enh Added "send email to all ticket subscribers" automation rule action 4/21/2019
enh Added custom fields to HTTP-post automation 4/12/2019
enh Added new mask #NonTechSubscribers# to email templates 4/11/2019
fix Widget support for jQuery 3 4/9/2019
enh "Logout" now invalidates all other sessions too 4/2/2019
enh Custom report - added "replies count" metric 4/1/2019
fix Cloned tickets are no longer linked to the original 3/30/2019
new Added "Subscribers" functionality to Ideas Forum 3/23/2019
fix Ticket search - do not show deleted tickets by default 3/22/2019
fix Proper notification when adding secondary assignee 3/22/2019
fix Fix KB notifications for tech-only articles 3/20/2019
enh Close the widget when the ticket has been closed 3/18/2019
enh Ticket Search "was reopened at least once" criteria 3/16/2019
new "Username is typing" realtime indicator in ticket and widget 3/14/2019
new New Slack integration 3/13/2019
enh Added "Via" origin to ticket details pane 3/11/2019
enh Added "assigned to" filter to Summary report 3/9/2019
new Survey Monkey integration 3/8/2019
new Added Stripe integration 3/8/2019
enh Show ticket close date with time in summary report 3/6/2019
new New feature: custom password policies 2/27/2019
fix Fixed user profile validation when username editing is disabled 2/19/2019
enh Trying to show the actual bounce reason on failed reply notification delivery 2/15/2019
enh Added an ability to "mark as read" instead of deleting for Exchange servers 2/12/2019
enh Ability to set Exchange autodiscover URL explixitly 2/11/2019
enh Ability to convert ideas to tickets 2/11/2019
enh Added #Department# and #Location# to email masks 2/11/2019
fix Sorting file attachments by date 2/11/2019
enh New API method: GET UserByUsername 2/11/2019
enh Added more SAML attribute mappings 2/11/2019
enh Resend button for bounced emails 2/11/2019
enh "Has attachments" flag in ticket search 2/7/2019
new Ideas forum: added basic search 1/21/2019
new Added image carousel to the ticket view for easier cycling through all image attachments 1/20/2019
fix Fixed GitHub integration 1/18/2019
enh Added company info to Slack notification 1/11/2019
fix Fixed images when publishing ticket to ideas 1/9/2019
enh Ability to convert ideas to tickets. Also, better explanation how ideas emails work. 1/6/2019
enh Added more info to technicians report Excel/CSV export 1/4/2019
fix YouTube links pasting fix for dashes in the URL 1/3/2019
fix Scheduled tickets due date shifting fixed 1/1/2019
enh Added #Department# and #Location# to email template masks 12/29/2018
enh Sorting file attachments by date 12/27/2018
fix Visual Studio Online is now Azure DevOps. Fixed the integration. 12/20/2018
enh Increased "recently viewed tickets" to 15 12/18/2018
fix Firefox fix for Ctrl+B and Ctrl+I in the editor 12/18/2018
fix Always reopen tickets from Automation, ignore the "days to reopen" setting 12/17/2018
enh New API method: GET UserByUsername 12/14/2018
enh Added more SAML attribute mappings 12/14/2018
enh French support in forwarded emails 12/14/2018
enh Better search results 12/13/2018
enh "Skip tech notification" option when creating tickets on behalf 12/13/2018
enh Resend button for bounced emails 12/11/2018
fix A lot of widget and live chat fixes 11/27/2018
enh Assets import from CSV - option to ignore empty fields 11/26/2018
enh Allow managers to change priority 11/25/2018
enh Set Due date ation can now add time to ticket date, not just current date 11/23/2018
enh Support for numeric categoryID in CSV import 11/23/2018
fix Setting ticket custom field via automation didn't trigger other rules 11/15/2018
enh New API method - "SetCustomFieldForAsset" 11/14/2018
fix Freshdesk import fixes for new API 11/13/2018
enh New API methods: "AddAssetToTicket", "SetCustomFields", "UpdateComany", "RemoveSubscriber", "SetCustomFields" 11/11/2018
enh Support for German and French forwarded emails detection 11/7/2018
enh Replace links to YouTube with embedded videos 11/6/2018
new Knowledge Base reports 11/5/2018
new "Number" custom field type 11/2/2018
enh Added "TimesReopened" to summary CSV export 10/30/2018
enh Log ticket cloning in the timeline 10/27/2018
new Added "avg # of times tickets are reopened" to Speed report 10/20/2018
new New automation rule "Send email to all users in a department" 10/11/2018
fix Reverted the technician sorting back to first name last name 10/2/2018
fix Adding new ticket subscribers BEFORE running automation rules, otherwise rule notifications not sent to all subscribers 9/30/2018
enh Two factor auth improvements: removed "beta", request the QR code over https, show manual entry key in addition to the QR code 9/24/2018
enh Added last week, last month, previous month options to reports 9/13/2018
fix Include secondary assignees in "notify assigned agent" automation rules 9/10/2018
enh Option to exclude admins from "Notify Techs" automation action 9/4/2018
enh VSO integration: ability to link an existing issue instead of creating a new one 8/30/2018
enh VSO/TFS integration: support for non-default collection names 8/30/2018
enh Bitbucket integration: selecting issue type 8/25/2018
enh Added "Skip email notification" option to the "Assign" automation rule 8/24/2018
enh Optionally assign assets to user and company when importing from CSV 8/23/2018
enh Assets update when importing from CSV (or create if not found) 8/22/2018
fix Removed disabled techs from technicians-report 8/21/2018
enh Show canned responses in mobile web UI 8/18/2018
fix Fixed searching by custom fields in reports 8/18/2018
enh Show username of a disabled user in the deletion log when marking tickets as spam 8/15/2018
new Auto-generate companies from email domains for new users 8/11/2018
enh Reopen ticket if the last email notification bounced 8/3/2018
fix Correct toolbar buttons after takeover in custom status 8/3/2018
fix Fixed iCal export on ticket page for non-US date formats 8/1/2018
new We've moved from BBCode to HTML for our internal formatting language. 7/24/2018
enh Added "resend welcome email" button to user edit page 7/17/2018
enh Ideas forum - added "in progress" status 7/17/2018
new Handle bounce emails. Show recipients with delivery issues in the app 7/12/2018
enh Ideas forum notifications: on status change and new idea posting 7/12/2018
enh Allowing Google login only for specific domains 7/5/2018
enh Showing a total number of assets in asset grids 7/4/2018
fix Fixed adding subscribers in the mobile UI 7/4/2018
enh Show the widget popup only when there are new messages in chat. Leave minimized otherwise. 7/3/2018
enh "Users" API now supports filtering by CompanyID and DepartmentID 7/2/2018
enh API Tickets - filter by multiple statuses 7/2/2018
new Convert support ticket into another ticket's reply 7/1/2018
enh "Send HTTP request" action now supports adding custom HTTP headers 6/29/2018
enh Added "A -> Z" sorting button to the mobile view 6/29/2018
new Ideas forum: a place for your user to submit feature requests and other ideas (located in Knowledge Base) 6/27/2018
enh New API method: Stats 6/27/2018
new "Allow emails from unregistered users" - added option to edit domains from which email is allowed 6/26/2018
enh Added due date filter to summary report 6/25/2018
enh Changing ticket creation date and close date now logged in comments 6/24/2018
fix Fixed HTTP POST automation encoding (JSON) 6/22/2018
new Added GitLab integration 6/17/2018
enh User autosuggest now searches for email in full (not just "starts with") 6/15/2018
new New automation condition: Ticket is updated for tech (last reply was for techs only) 6/14/2018
enh Support #Technician# mask in canned responses 6/6/2018
new Added "Tags" section to the admin panel 5/30/2018
enh Admins can delete ticket edit log files now fix#2591 5/29/2018
enh Added "last updated" to Summary report 5/29/2018
enh API "UpdateTicket" can now change ticket submitter 5/26/2018
enh AddSubscriber API method 5/20/2018
enh New automation action: "Remove tags from ticket" 5/16/2018
enh KB redesign for better visual hierarchy 4/30/2018
enh Ability to "retire" an assets ("Disabled" property) 4/22/2018
fix Fixed sorting in techs report 4/13/2018
new Subscribing to individual KB article updates 4/10/2018
enh Allow script tags in "custom JS" settings - allowing to paste Google Analytics snippets directly 4/10/2018
enh Different colors for custom statuses 4/10/2018
new "Departments" link in the admin panel 4/10/2018
new Adjustable number of aricles on KB homepage 4/5/2018
enh #DueDate# tag in email templates 4/4/2018
enh Added "today" option to Summary Report 4/2/2018
new Admin-only custom fields 3/29/2018
new New API Method: AssignAssetToUser 3/29/2018
enh VSO integration: ability to set description when creating item types 3/27/2018
enh New design for charts in reports 3/17/2018
fix Fixed Autoresponder text disappearing in Accept emails from unregistered users setting 3/14/2018
fix #close# tag in email subjects looks at the settings before closing a ticket 3/13/2018
enh Added "enableEmailNotifications" to UpdateUser API fix#2518 3/9/2018
enh Added a "ticket was cloned" note to the cloned ticket body 3/9/2018
new Show KB suggestions hint from Jitbit Bot to technicians in new tickets 3/7/2018
fix Show a techs only custom status only if a tech has permissions in this category 3/6/2018
enh Collapse tags in grid if there are a lot of them 3/5/2018
enh Added #date# to HTTP Request automation action 3/5/2018
new API for Assets: view, update and create. See the manual 3/5/2018
enh Public holidays in your country are now considered weekend if you have working hours set (based on the Jitbit language setting) 3/1/2018
enh Support for infinite automation rules nesting (Rule 1 triggers Rule 2 then Rule 2 triggers Rule 3 etc.) 2/28/2018
new Abilty to set "start repeating" date AND time for scheduled tickets 2/26/2018
enh Bulk delete/disable users from search 2/25/2018
new Added Slovenian language 2/20/2018
enh Log password change to Deletion log report 2/16/2018
enh Added support to center-align text in WYSIWYG editor and [center] bbcode tag 2/14/2018
enh Ability to assign an asset to a company 2/13/2018
enh Clicking browser's "back" button on the ticket-view page remembers the previous position in the grid 2/12/2018
enh Updated "Subject contains" automation condition to support "subject equals" mode as well 2/8/2018
enh Allow inserting techs-only KB articles into ticket 2/8/2018
enh Add "*" to a browser tab with an open ticket when a new comment arrives (if the tab is not active) 2/6/2018
new New email template tag: #Suggested_KB_articles# - shows a list of links to Knowledge Base articles that are similar to the ticket 2/5/2018
new Ability to add individual custom fields to email templates, like #CF1234# where 1234 is custom field ID. 2/5/2018
new New automation rule action "change ticket submitter" 2/4/2018
enh Showing attachments and inline images in live chat 2/4/2018
enh Added company filter and tag filter to "Tickets per day" report 2/4/2018
new Added canned responses editor to the Admin menu 1/28/2018
enh Show KB suggestions in the live chat widget 1/26/2018
enh Option to include attachments in Notify Techs automation 1/25/2018
enh Added "Email" field to GET Tickets API 1/21/2018
new Live chat in the support widget more info... 1/18/2018
new Highrise integration 1/2/2018
enh "Custom field is empty" condition and "clear custom field" action for dropdown fields 12/28/2017
new Bulk-reply to tickets in grid 12/17/2017
enh Categories quick search (if more than 10) in the admin panel 12/17/2017
enh Slightly redesigned Search and Summary report forms 12/6/2017
enh Allow creating empty-body KB articles with attachments 12/4/2017
new Widget: added an ability to automatically show the widget after a certain number of seconds and to show and close the widget programmatically 12/4/2017
enh Better Visual Studio Online integration - added support for workitem types 11/29/2017
enh Same control order in all reports and better usability 11/27/2017
new Added an ability to test automation rules on the rule edit page 11/27/2017
new Optional auto-responder for emails coming from unregistered users 11/23/2017
fix Fixed "new article" button in KB category 11/21/2017
fix Fixed the issue when an email notification was sent without attachments in rare cases 11/21/2017
fix Faster image upload in the rich-text editor 11/17/2017
enh API search now accepts numeric ticket-ID queries 11/14/2017
fix Exchange protocol fixed -- added an ability to enter domain\username in addition to email address 11/13/2017
enh Categories - restore default alphabetical sort button 11/6/2017
new "From name" for categories setting 11/6/2017
enh Added tags to KB export 11/5/2017
new Recycle bin for tickets. Deleted tickets are now stored for 14 days and can be viewed in "Deleted tickets" report 11/2/2017
enh Ability to pre-select a category in light support widget 10/30/2017
new Automation trigger "Triggered by another rule" 10/27/2017
fix Fixed new replies in the mobile interface 10/26/2017
enh Add suggested KB articles to the drop down list in the new reply editor 10/25/2017
enh Paste drag-and-dropped images straight to the text as inline images 10/25/2017
enh Added "time of day" to custom report 10/25/2017
fix 2-factor authentication security fixes 10/20/2017
enh Multiple selectable categories in Technician report 10/17/2017
enh Scheduled tickets now support due date (set to the same offset as original) 10/17/2017
enh Better search in Knowledge Base 10/17/2017
enh Better "suggested articles from KB" when creating a new ticket or viewing an existing one 10/16/2017
enh Ticket subscribers are now color-coded according to their roles (techs or customers) 10/16/2017
new "NOT TRUE" option for automation conditions 10/14/2017
new Added a new automation action - "mark ticket as spam" 10/11/2017
fix Fixed Chrome issue - after pasting big-height image typing occurs under scroll 10/9/2017
fix Fixed a couple of file upload bugs 10/6/2017
enh Do not add incoming email user to subscribers automatically (if not tech), for better security and protecting external communication 10/6/2017
fix Exchange protocol fixes (The minimum required version is Exchange 2010 now) 10/5/2017
fix Desktop notifications only for tickets you have permissions to view 10/4/2017
enh Showing better errors for third-party integration issues 10/2/2017
enh Tab menu mouse-hover color is now same as "active tab text color" for consistency 10/2/2017
fix API: GET Tickets method now returns an error when a tag with a supplied tagName doesn't exist 10/2/2017
enh New automation rules now save and display the name of the person who created it 10/2/2017
fix Fixed the editor working incorrectly after a validaiton error happens and showing a bunch of random symbols before submitting a form with inline images 9/29/2017
enh Added an ability to add short text descriptions to Automation Rules 9/29/2017
enh Added "two-factor authentication enabled" column in the admin - Users list 9/29/2017
enh API: UpdateTicket method not lets you to update ticket tags 9/29/2017
enh Admin Categories - fixed and improved reordering categories in a section via drag-and-drop 9/28/2017
fix Fixed wrong URLs in #Attachments# tag in email templates 9/27/2017
enh Click on a desktop notification now leads to the corresponding ticket 9/25/2017
fix Fixed administrators not showing in user CSV export 9/22/2017
enh Added emailDomains parameter to POST Company API (see manual) 9/22/2017
enh Added category filter to Custom Report 9/21/2017
new Email verification when users manually register in help desk 9/21/2017
fix Users CSV import now updates passwords for existing users too 9/18/2017
new Upload files via drag-and-drop 9/11/2017
new New automation rules trigger: A tag is added to a ticket 9/10/2017
enh Drag-and-droppable tickets in calendar view report 9/4/2017
enh Canned responses can now be used on the ticket-forward page too 9/3/2017
fix Always reopen scheduled tickets ("Reopen original instead of creating new one") despite the reopen settings 8/29/2017
enh Show longer custom fields values in the main ticket list 8/29/2017
fix Allow tickets with empty subjects when submitted via email 8/25/2017
enh When linking 2 and more ticket, they are ALL linked with each other (not just with the first ticket) 8/24/2017
enh Linked tickets from the same company are now shown to managers 8/24/2017
fix Do not send "another tech took the ticket" notification if a user has tech-notifications disabled in his profile 8/24/2017
enh Ticket subscriber list now updates in real time too 8/24/2017
new Added "UpdateTicket" API method, with an option to change "Time Spent". 8/23/2017
fix Fixed on-behalf ticket creation in the API POST Ticket method 8/21/2017
enh Better search performance and more relevant results 8/21/2017
fix Fixed a rare case when admins were getting double notifications about new tickets 8/17/2017
enh More ticket information in push notifications 8/15/2017
fix Fixed merging tickets in grid with real-time updates 8/15/2017
fix Fixed "reply & close" with mandatory custom fields fields 8/14/2017
fix All forms now support email addresses with new longer TLDs 8/12/2017
new The ticket list and the ticket page now update in real-time. You don't need to refresh the page - the data you see is always current. 8/7/2017
enh All CSV imports now use a proper background thread. A user that started an import will get a summary email when it suceeds or fails. Also, if there are any errors we try to point you to the exact line in a CSV file that causes issues. 7/27/2017
fix Fixed incorrect CSV export when custom field has comma in its name 7/9/2017
enh Added ticket origin to the GET Tickets API method 7/9/2017
enh Added more working hours options 7/2/2017
new New report - Scheduled Tickets History report 7/1/2017
enh Added grouping by section to "custom report" 6/30/2017
new Added support for holding Shift when selecting multiple rows in the ticket grid 6/19/2017
enh Summary report - search by multiple companies 6/19/2017
new Removed obsolete "Do NOT reopen tickets automatically when a reply is posted". Replaced by "Allow customers to re-open their tickets within X days". 6/9/2017
fix Fixed Slack and Hipchat integrations, also made them support unicode 6/6/2017
enh Send notification to "secondary assignee" when assigned to a ticket 5/19/2017
new New automation condition: "Ticket has tag" 5/19/2017
enh Added sectionId parameter to GET Tickets API method 5/19/2017
enh Made it easier for admins to create new users (slight form redesign, ability to generate a password, autofill username from email) 5/16/2017
new Users can now subscribe to updates in Knowledge Base categories 5/16/2017
fix Fixed Asana integration bug with non-latin characters 5/14/2017
new Assets search - find assets by user, by company, by department 5/12/2017
new Department page: show list of users, assets, recent tickets from that department 5/11/2017
new New setting - "Restrict customers reopening their tickets after X days" 5/11/2017
enh "Custom field equals" automation rule now supports wildcards 5/9/2017
new Per user "new ticket" notification setting for for technicians 5/8/2017
enh Added "Department" field to CreateUser API, to CSV tickets export, and to CSV users export 5/7/2017
enh KB default sorting - newest articles are on top (if no custom order is specified) 5/7/2017
new Clone category (with permissions and custom fields) 5/2/2017
fix Fixed unsubscribing from tickets when using a non-English language 4/27/2017
enh Allow managers to filter by "from" field 4/27/2017
enh Do not reset "Updated by customer" badge when clicking Takeover without writing a reply 4/27/2017
new Support for EWS protocol (Exchange, Office365) for incoming mailboxes 4/20/2017
fix Fixed "Before Due date" automation condition for working hours 4/20/2017
fix Fixed [size] formatting tag 4/20/2017
enh Require to enter the current password when changing password 4/12/2017
fix Fixed 'previous month' period in Summary report 4/5/2017
fix Ticket details labels no longer overlap with corresponding edit buttons 4/4/2017
enh Prompt to move existing tickets when deleting category 4/3/2017
enh Assets CSV export now shows assignees 4/1/2017
enh Huge performance improvements 4/1/2017
enh "Updated" badge for recently updated KB articles 3/31/2017
enh Disable mail servers on login error, show notification about this on top of every page to admins 3/29/2017
fix API SetTicketStatus now returns proper error when mandatory custom fields are not set 3/29/2017
enh Ticket stat icons under the sidebar are now links to predefined filters 3/23/2017
new New setting "Title link" - where the top-left logo links to 3/20/2017
enh Support for #FirstName# and #LastName# in email templates 3/19/2017
fix Quick-search for user now support first/last names correctly 3/19/2017
enh Notify technician of ticket unassigning 3/18/2017
enh Added "due date", "user location" and "user department" to advanced search 3/16/2017
enh Support for file attachments in Comment an Ticket API methods 3/16/2017
new Added "Source code" button to the WYSIWYG editor 3/15/2017
enh All API dates are now returned in UTC (ISO format) 3/15/2017
new Integration with Github Enterprise ("self-hosted" Github) 3/13/2017
enh "This month", "Previous month", "Last 30 days" options for Summary report 3/9/2017
fix Fixed category filter in Dynamics report Excel export 2/28/2017
new Export due date to calendar right from the ticket view 2/22/2017
new Two new API methods: GET Users and GET Companies (see the manual) 2/21/2017
enh Show category descriptions on mouse over when creating a new ticket 2/12/2017
new Attaching files to assets 2/12/2017
enh POST Comment API method now returns the created comment ID 2/11/2017
new New API method: SetDueDate (see the API docs) 2/10/2017
enh Added "Tickets submitted" to technicians report 2/10/2017
new Google Drive integration 2/8/2017
enh Comment date is now a permalink to that comment 2/7/2017
enh When forwarding a ticket by email save the forwarded message content in a txt file and attach it to the ticket 2/7/2017
new Added an ability to copy the ticket subject and body when creating new issues in Github, Bitbucket, Jira, VSO and Asana 2/6/2017
new Option to remove assignee via an automation action 2/6/2017
enh Support for Basic authentication in User Lookup 2/6/2017
enh Ticket filter now supports secondary assignees too 1/31/2017
enh Link scheduled ticket to the original 1/25/2017
enh Support for multiple assignees in the "Assign to" automation action 1/24/2017
new Added an ability to clone assets 1/21/2017
fix All API methods now return dates in the same format 1/18/2017
enh Users CSV export now includes information about user role (Admin, Tech, Manager, is 2-factor enabled etc) 1/17/2017
new Send email to techs when a KB article has been created 1/13/2017
enh Tagging KB articles right from the new article page 1/11/2017
enh Added priority chart to summary report 1/6/2017
enh Similar articles from KB are now also being searched by tags 1/4/2017
new Allowing assigning multiple technicians to a ticket 12/28/2016
fix Fixed "set due date" automation when considering working hours 12/20/2016
enh Non-tech users are taken to KB on the first visit even if they are logged in 12/19/2016
enh Sort summary report by MULTIPLE columns (shift+click) 12/16/2016
enh Same date format in all CSV exports 12/15/2016
enh Filter the ticket grid by multiple techs 12/14/2016
enh When a tech assigns ticket to themselves skip the "takeover" and move to "in progress" 12/13/2016
new Added graphical charts to "custom report" 12/12/2016
new Filter by date in Deletion Log report. 12/11/2016
new Filter ticket grid by multiple priorities 12/9/2016
new Added Slovak language 12/7/2016
new Added an ability to post JSON data in the 'Send HTTP request' automation action 12/6/2016
new New automation trigger: Ticket due date has changed 12/6/2016
fix "Add tag" automation rule now works with non-existing tags 12/5/2016
enh "For tech only" comments are shown to technicians of this particular category, not ALL technicians. 12/5/2016
new Added "Average response time" and "Average resolution time" to Technicians report 12/2/2016
enh You can now choose work-item type for Visual Studio Online integration 12/2/2016
enh Added dateFrom and dateTo parameters to the GET Tickets API method 12/2/2016
fix "Tickets per day" report - fixed export to Excel 11/29/2016
enh Showing usernames, not emails, in comments, when a comment is addressed to a particular user 11/24/2016
enh Do not add CC recipients to ticket subscribers if there's more than 20 11/23/2016
enh Export Dynamics report into multiple CSV files. 11/23/2016
new New automation trigger: "custom field was changed" 11/15/2016
enh "Add all technicians" link on category permissions page 11/9/2016
new Setting working hours by 30 minutes intervals 11/8/2016
enh Do not auto-close tickets that are updated "for techs only" 11/8/2016
new "Logged by" condition in Automation Rules 11/7/2016
new Added "previous/next ticket" buttons in the ticket sidebar 10/28/2016
enh Upgraded all JS-dependencies (jQuery, jQuery UI, front-end components etc.) to the latest versions 10/26/2016
enh Save previous subject/body into a log file when editing a ticket 10/25/2016
fix Editor no longer loses focus after clicking on formatting buttons 10/25/2016
fix Fixed sorting in custom reports 10/25/2016
enh Improved how attachments are displayed on the ticket page 10/25/2016
new Added an ability to group by user location in Custom Report 10/24/2016
new Pasting image into a ticket/reply editor now works in Chrome too! 10/22/2016
enh Enabled TLS 1.1 and 1.2 support for POP and IMAP 10/21/2016
new Two new API methods for Knowledge Base. Read more 10/19/2016
new Added a custom status setting: Stop the automatic "time spent" clock when a ticket is in this status 10/19/2016
enh Added tooltips with full ticket subject and status to Due date 10/19/2016
fix Do not automatically "takeover" a ticket on the first reply, if the reply is "for technicians only" 10/18/2016
new Minor UI redesign (header, search box, tabs, background) for better UX and less distractions, iOS-style checkboxes in the admin panel etc. 10/17/2016
new New setting - "custom JavaScript" to add to application pages. 10/16/2016
fix Fixed the "set to my timezone" button in the admin panel 10/16/2016
enh User "signature" field increased to 2000 chars 10/15/2016
enh Database performance improvements 10/15/2016
fix Fixed bug with blank auto-updating grid when looking at a particular section/category 10/14/2016
enh Switched to "type=email" in all user forms, slightly redesigned the "lost password" page 10/14/2016
enh New ticket page - if user has permissions to only 1 category, preselect this category 10/14/2016
fix Minor API fixes 10/9/2016
enh Added Wordpress to integrations 10/9/2016
new New "Bi-Monthly" option for ticket scheduling 10/7/2016
new Our mobile app now supports filtering by a category and searching tickets. The Android version is released and the iOS one is in review. 10/6/2016
fix Fixed a bug when the widget broke when the parent page was using "border-box" CSS property. 10/4/2016
fix Fixed a bug when a selection combo custom field was breaking the grid when it was hidden by a user 10/4/2016
enh A bunch of improvements and fixes to the "Impersonation" feature 10/4/2016
enh Cloning a ticket now logs who cloned it in "logged by" field 10/3/2016
enh Translation improvements (Norwegian and French) 10/2/2016
fix Fixed the issue in search when it wasn't returning the correct results 10/1/2016
new Users can now set their own timezone in their profiles 9/29/2016
new Zapier integration is released with new features. Read the announcement here 9/27/2016
fix Email issues on Friday - resolved 9/25/2016
enh Auto-update tickets grid when someone else *closes* a ticket (was updating only on *new* tickets and replies before) 9/24/2016
new Header redesign (added icons, improved the secondary tabs font) 9/23/2016
fix Admin panel UI fixes 9/22/2016
enh Only admins can change other user passwords, not techs (for HIPAA compliance) 9/21/2016
fix Fixed CSV-importing tickets with custom fields of type "Selection combo" 9/21/2016
new New Automation Rules condition: "Ticket comes from location" 9/21/2016
enh Security fixes and improvements, XSS, instance isolation etc. (after going through a security audit) 9/21/2016
enh POST Ticket API method now allows adding tags 9/21/2016
fix Do not allow Google login for anonymous users if "Allow user registration" settings is disabled 9/20/2016
fix API performance improvements 9/20/2016
fix Zapier integration fixes 9/19/2016
enh Minor two-factor authentication improvement 9/15/2016
enh Search improvements - better results, MUCH better performance 9/13/2016
fix Fixed inline images in some outgoing emails 9/13/2016
fix Fixed "GET Tickets" API method to display category names again 9/13/2016
new A major update for the Android app is released 9/9/2016
enh Support for TLS 1.1 and TLS 1.2 when connecting to Email servers 9/8/2016
enh Lots of performance improvements for tickets-grid 9/8/2016
fix Minor automation fixes 9/7/2016
fix Mobile apps "push" fixes 9/5/2016
enh Upgraded to .NET Framework 4.5 9/4/2016
fix #close# email tag - proper exception handling when madatory custom fields not filled 9/1/2016
enh Support for "referrer URL" in the full-size support widget 8/31/2016
new Importing tickets from Freshdesk 8/31/2016
enh Database performance tweaks 8/30/2016
enh Show status and a "badge" in the "linked tickets" box, other linked-tickets enhancements 8/30/2016
fix Improved HTML email parsing for incoming messages (color codes) 8/29/2016
fix Security improvements for mobile apps API 8/29/2016
new Zapier integration enhancements ("ticket closed" trigger etc.) 8/26/2016
fix Fixed "Send email to the ticket submitter" automation action 8/25/2016
new "Disabling" custom field value-options for "drop-down" custom fields, for obsolete values 8/25/2016
fix Fixed "recent-messages" styling in outlook 8/25/2016
new Support for "working hours" past midnight 8/23/2016
new "Due-dates calendar" report now supports filtering by ticket-category and assigned user 8/22/2016
new Option to hide regular login buttons when SAML is enabled. 8/21/2016
enh Improved search performance 8/19/2016
enh JIRA integration - display a detailed error message from JIRA in case of error 8/19/2016
fix Fixed incorrect notification logic if the "skip confirmation" box was checked when submitting a ticket "on-behalf" 8/16/2016
new New feature - user search (for technicians only), also some minor fixes in ticket search. 8/16/2016
new New "action" for automation rules - "Send email to ticket submitter" 8/16/2016
fix Fixed summary report scheduler error 8/14/2016
fix Security: only admins can edit other admins and technicians 8/13/2016
enh Performance improvements 8/13/2016
enh Show who created the ticket in the Deletion log 8/11/2016
enh Upgraded all database servers to faster and more expensive hard-drives, the app should now be 70% more responsive. 8/10/2016
fix Fixed file-attachment links in the comments feed (were sometimes prompting for user/password) 8/9/2016
enh Automation-rules email notifications now support the #Originator# tag 8/9/2016
enh Minor visual fixes in the tickets grid 8/9/2016
fix Tickets imported from external sources (CSV,Zendesk, etc) were sometimes sorted incorrectly 8/9/2016
fix Fixed the accidental file-attachment dialog popup on the new-ticket page 8/9/2016
enh Added "unassigned" view mode to the mobile UI 8/8/2016
enh Hide some sensitive user info from non-techs in user-popups and in user profiles 8/5/2016
fix Fixed the #url# email template tag for custom domains 8/5/2016
enh Some minor Knowledge Base design improvements 8/5/2016
new We're now showing updates about new features and fixes to all admins 8/5/2016