Helpdesk API

Jitbit help desk ticketing system includes a REST API for "inbound" integration and API hooks for "outbound" integration.

Base address

The API address is:

https://helpdesk-url/api Where [helpdesk-url] is the helpdesk application address. Hosted or self-installed, doesn’t matter.

Don’t forget to add "/helpdesk" to the URL if your Helpdesk is hosted under a sub-directory. All SaaS clients must add "/helpdesk" to the base URL.

Example of the correct URL for SaaS clients:

Basic authentication

Every API action checks the user's permissions before executing the action (showing tickets, posting comments etc), so you must authenticate as a helpdesk user by sending basic authorization headers with every call.

Again: all the methods use basic authentication and you need to pass the Authorization header with every API call.

Most of http-client software (like curl etc.) supports basic authentication out of the box without any additional coding. But just in case - here's how you construct the Authorization header:

  1. Username and password are combined into a colon-separated string username:password
  2. The resulting string literal is then encoded using Base64
  3. The authorization method and a space i.e. Basic is then put before the encoded string.
  4. NOTE: even if you use Windows authentication with your on-premise helpdesk installation you still have to use Basic auth headers! Simply pass your Windows username and password. Also don’t forget to include the user’s domain into the username like this DOMAIN\Username.
  5. For example, if the user has admin username and admin password then the header is formed as follows:

Authorization: Basic YWRtaW46YWRtaW4=

NOTE: If you are using Windows\AD authentication specify the fully qualified domain name as your username, like DOMAIN\username.

Keep in mind that passing wrong username and/or password to the app 3 times in a row blocks your IP address for 5 minutes.

Token authentication

In addition to Basic Authentication described above, we support ** token authentication **.

Authorization: Bearer <User-Token>

You can get your <User-Token> by visiting /User/Token/ page in the helpdesk app.

Passing parameters

All incoming method-parameters should be passed via query-strings like this http://helpdesk-url/api/SetCustomField?ticketId=123&fieldId=321&value=blahblah or via the POST data. Do not try to use JSON.

Cookies support

We highly recommend using a client that accepts cookies (sent by the server with the response). We cache a lot of secondary non-sensitive data in the "session" so using cookies can and will speed up the API response and ease the load on the server.

General methods

Authorization (POST)

POST https://[helpdesk-url]/api/Authorization

Use this method to simply test if you pass correct basic authentication headers. The method returns a helpdesk "user" object (as a JSON string) that represents the current user. Please find the available properties on the right.


    "UserID": 1,
    "Username": "admin",
    "Email": "admin@testmail",
    "FirstName": "",
    "LastName": "",
    "Notes": "",
    "Location": "",
    "Phone": "",
    "Department": null,
    "CompanyName": null,
    "IPAddress": "::1",
    "HostName": "::1",
    "Lang": "",
    "UserAgent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.2; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.31 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/26.0.1410.3 Safari/537.31",
    "AvatarURL": null,
    "Signature": "test sign",
    "Greeting": "Hi",
    "CompanyId": null,
    "IsAdmin": true,
    "Disabled": false,
    "SendEmail": true,
    "IsTech": false,
    "LastSeen": "2020-02-28T04:48:00Z",
    "IsManager": false

Ticket methods

API methods that work with helpdesk tickets


GET https://[helpdesk-url]/api/Tickets

Gets a list of tickets the current user has permissions to see. Returns a JSON array.


Name Type Description
mode string (optional) Allows you to choose, what tickets to show:
  • "all"(default) – all tickets, including closed
  • "unanswered" – shows new or updated by customer or for tech tickets
  • "unclosed" – all active tickets
  • "handledbyme" – shows tickets assigned to the user
  • categoryid int (optional) Filter by a category
    sectionId int (optional) Filter by a section
    statusId int[] (optional) Filter by status(es), you can pass an array like this: ?statusId=1&statusId=2
    fromUserId int (optional) Filter by a ticket creator
    fromCompanyId int (optional) Filter by a company
    handledByUserID int (optional) Filter by a ticket performer
    tagName string (optional) Filter by ticket a tag
    dateFrom string (optional) Filter by creation date (date format should be YYYY-MM-DD, for example 2016-11-24)
    dateTo string (optional) Filter by creation date (date format should be YYYY-MM-DD, for example 2016-11-24)
    updatedFrom string (optional) Filter by "last updated" date (date format should be YYYY-MM-DD, for example 2016-11-24)
    updatedTo string (optional) Filter by "last updated" date (date format should be YYYY-MM-DD, for example 2016-11-24)
    dueInDays int (optional) Filter by "due in X days"
    includeCustomFields bool (optional) Add custom field values to the output
    count int (optional) How many tickets to return. Default: 10. Max: 300.
    offset int (optional) Use this to create paging. For example "offset=20&count=20" will return the next 20 tickets after the first 20. Defalut: 0.


            "IssueID": 382,
            "Priority": 0,
            "StatusID": 1,
            "IssueDate": "2013–01–11T15:29:49.57",
            "Subject": "test",
            "Status": "New",
            "UpdatedByUser": false,
            "UpdatedByPerformer": false,
            "CategoryID": 21,
            "UserName": "admin",
            "Technician": null,
            "FirstName": "",
            "LastName": "",
            "DueDate": null,
            "TechFirstName": null,
            "TechLastName": null,
            "LastUpdated": "2013–01–11T15:29:49.57",
            "UpdatedForTechView": false,
            "UserID": 1,
            "CompanyID": null,
            "CompanyName": null,
            "SectionID": null,
            "AssignedToUserID": null,
            "Category": "Hardware"
        //...more tickets


    GET https://[helpdesk-url]/api/ticket?id=123

    Gets details of a ticket. The method returns a ticket JSON object


    Name Type Description
    id int Ticket id


        "Attachments": [
                "FileName": "icon.png",
                "FileData": null,
                "FileID": 1740828,
                "CommentID": 12722431,
                "CommentDate": "2020-02-28T04:48:00Z",
                "FileHash": null,
                "FileSize": 0,
                "IssueID": 2431395,
                "UserID": 43499,
                "GoogleDriveUrl": null, //cloud URL (google, dropbox, onedrive etc)
                "ForTechsOnly": false,
                "Url": ""
        "Tags": [
                "TagID": 14502,
                "Name": "tag1",
                "TagCount": 0
        "Status": "In progress",
        "OnBehalfUserName": null,
        "SubmitterUserInfo": {
            "UserID": 43499,
            //more user info properties
        "CategoryName": "General issues",
        "AssigneeUserInfo": {
            "UserID": 43499,
            //more user info properties
        "TicketID": 2431395,
        "UserID": 43499,
        "AssignedToUserID": 43499,
        "IssueDate": "2020-02-28T04:48:00Z",
        "Subject": "test",
        "Body": "test ticket",
        "Priority": 0,
        "StatusID": 2,
        "CategoryID": 7277,
        "DueDate": null,
        "ResolvedDate": null,
        "StartDate": "2020-02-28T04:48:00Z",
        "TimeSpentInSeconds": 143,
        "UpdatedByUser": false,
        "UpdatedByPerformer": true,
        "UpdatedForTechView": false,
        "IsCurrentUserTechInThisCategory": false,
        "IsCurrentCategoryForTechsOnly": false,
        "SubmittedByCurrentUser": true,
        "IsInKb": false,
        "Stats": null

    Ticket (POST)

    POST https://[helpdesk-url]/api/ticket

    Creates a new ticket


    Name Type Description
    categoryId int Category ID
    body string Ticket body
    subject string Ticket subject
    priorityId int Ticket priority. Values:
  • -1 – Low
  • 0 – Normal
  • 1 – High
  • 2 – Critical
  • userId (optional) int User-ID to create a ticket "on-behalf" of this user (requires technician permissions)
    tags (optional) string A string of tags separated by comma. Example: tags=tag1,tag2,tag3

    This method supports file attachments. To attach a file you need to send a POST request with "Content-Type: multipart/form-data;" with each parameter, including the file, as a separate "part". Search how to do "form data post requests" in your programming language. Example curl call:

    curl -F "categoryId=1" -F "body=test" -F "subject=test" -F "priorityId=0" -F "[email protected]" -u admin:admin -v http://localhost/helpdesk/api/ticket


    The created ticket ID

    UpdateTicket (POST)

    POST https://[helpdesk-url]/api/UpdateTicket

    Change ticket parameters, one or many.

    The method allows editing your own tickets only (unless you're helpdesk administrator or "technician")


    id int Ticket ID
    categoryId (optional) int Ticket category
    priority (optional) int Ticket priority. Values:
  • -1 – Low
  • 0 – Normal
  • 1 – High
  • 2 – Critical
  • date (optional) DateTime Ticket creation date
    userId (optional) int Ticket submitter's user ID
    dueDate (optional) DateTime Due date
    assignedUserId (optional) int Assigned technician's ID. Set to 0 (zero) to remove the currently assigned user.
    timeSpentInSeconds (optional) int Time spent on the ticket
    statusId (optional) int Ticket status ID. "Closed" id 3, "New" is 1, "In process" is 2. Check your custom status IDs in the admin area
    tags (optional) int A comma-separated list of tags to apply to the ticket. Like tags=tag1,tag2,tag3. All existing tags will be removed
    subject (optional) string Ticket subject
    body (optional) string Ticket body


    200 OK if there were no errors. Returns an error message otherwise.


    POST https://[helpdesk-url]/api/UpdateTicket?id=321&dueDate=2018-12-01

    SetCustomField (POST)

    POST https://[helpdesk-url]/api/SetCustomField

    Sets custom field value in a ticket.


    Name Type Description
    ticketId int Ticket ID
    fieldId int Custom field ID
    value string Value as a string. For checkboxes pass true or false. For dropdowns pass the option ID. For dates pass date as a string in any format.


    200 OK if there were no errors. Returns an error message otherwise.

    SetCustomFields (POST)

    POST https://[helpdesk-url]/api/SetCustomFields

    Sets multiple custom field values in a ticket with one request.


    Name Type Description
    ticketId int Ticket ID
    cf12345 (12345 is the custom field id, see example) string Value as a string. For checkboxes pass true or false. For dropdowns pass the option ID. For dates pass date as a string in any format.

    Example request parameters: ticketId=10556 cf1624=123 cf1625=asd cf1626=zxc


    200 OK if there were no errors. Returns an error message otherwise.


    GET https://[helpdesk-url]/api/Stats

    Gets overall statistics for the ticketing system - number of open tickets, closed, new, unassigned etc.




        "TotalTickets": 177,
        "Closed": 4,
        "InProcess": 32,
        "NewTickets": 141,
        "Unanswered": 159,
        "Unassigned": 5,
        "Unclosed": 173


    GET https://[helpdesk-url]/api/TicketCustomFields?id=123

    View all ticket custom fields with their values


    Name Type Description
    id int Ticket ID
    returnUnset bool Return custom fields with unset values (default: false)


            "FieldName": "Helpdesk URL",
            "FieldID": 2903,
            "Type": 1,
            "UsageType": 0,
            "Value": null,
            "ValueWithOption": null,
            "Mandatory": false

    Custom field types

    Text = 1, Date = 2, SelectionCombo = 3, Checkbox = 4, MultilineText = 5


    GET https://[helpdesk-url]/api/attachment?id=123

    Allows you to download an individual file attachment


    Name Type Description
    id int File attachment ID


    The requested file attachment as a file. Look at the "Content-Type" header for the file type. You can find the file name in the "Content-disposition" header.

    AttachFile (POST)

    POST https://[helpdesk-url]/api/AttachFile

    Attaches a file to a ticket


    Name Type Description
    id int Ticket ID
    multipart file binary File data to upload

    To attach a file simply send a POST request with "Content-Type: multipart/form-data;" with each parameter, including the file, as a separate "part". Search how to do "form data post requests" in your programming language. Example curl call:

    curl -F "id=1" -F "[email protected]" -u admin:admin -v http://localhost/helpdesk/api/AttachFile

    AddSubscriber (POST)

    POST https://[helpdesk-url]/api/AddSubscriber

    Adds a new subscriber to a ticket


    Name Type Description
    id int Ticket ID
    userId int The new subscriber's user-ID

    RemoveSubscriber (POST)

    POST https://[helpdesk-url]/api/RemoveSubscriber

    Removes a subscriber from a ticket


    Name Type Description
    id int Ticket ID
    userId int The subscriber's user-ID

    Subscribers (GET)

    GET https://[helpdesk-url]/api/Subscribers?id=123

    Returns list of subscribers from a ticket


    Name Type Description
    id int Ticket ID


    GET https://[helpdesk-url]/api/categories

    Gets all categories the user has permissions to see.




            "CategoryID": 7277,
            "Name": "General issues",
            "SectionID": null,
            "Section": null,
            "NameWithSection": "General issues",
            "ForTechsOnly": false,
            "FromAddress": null


    GET https://[helpdesk-url]/api/TechsForCategory?id=123

    Gets all possible assignees for a category


    Name Type Description
    id int Category ID


            "UserID": 43499,
            "Username": "Max",
            "FirstName": "Max",
            "LastName": "",
            "TicketsAssigned": 16,
            "FullNameAndLogin": "Max",
            "FullName": "Max"


    GET https://[helpdesk-url]/api/CustomFieldsForCategory?categoryId=123

    Gets all possible custom field available in this ticket category (along with their "option" for drop-down custom fields)


    Name Type Description
    categoryId int Category ID


            "FieldName": "NAME",
            "FieldID": 123123123,
            "Type": 4,
            "UsageType": 1,
            "ForTechsOnly": false,
            "Mandatory": false,
            "OrderByNumber": 2,
            "ShowInGrid": true,
            "SelectionComboOptions": null


    POST https://[helpdesk-url]/api/MergeTickets

    Merge two tickets together. This action is irreversible.


    Name Type Description
    id int Primary ticket ID
    id2 int The merged ticket (the original will be deleted)


    POST https://[helpdesk-url]/api/LinkTickets

    Link two tickets together as "related".


    Name Type Description
    id int First ticket ID
    id2 int Second ticket ID


    POST https://[helpdesk-url]/api/AddSubTicket

    Make one ticket a subticket of another.


    Name Type Description
    parentId int Parent ticket ID
    childId int Child ticket ID


    GET https://[helpdesk-url]/api/LinkedTickets?id=123

    Returns linked tickets for a given ticket.


    Name Type Description
    id int Ticket id




    GET https://[helpdesk-url]/api/SubTickets?id=123

    Returns sub tickets for a given ticket (first level deep)


    Name Type Description
    id int Ticket id


          "Subject":"Some text",
          "Category":"test copy",
          "Email":"[email protected]",


    API methods that work with ticket comments (AKA replies)

    Comment (POST)

    POST https://[helpdesk-url]/api/comment

    Posts a comment to a ticket


    Name Type Description
    id int Ticket id
    body string Comment body
    forTechsOnly bool If this comment is for techs only. Default: false
    isSystem bool If this is a "system" comment (shown in grey). Default: false

    This method supports file attachments. To attach a file you need to send a POST request with "Content-Type: multipart/form-data;" with each parameter, including the file, as a separate "part". Search how to do "form data post requests" in your programming language. Example curl call:

    curl -F "id=1" -F "body=test" -F "[email protected]" -u admin:admin -v http://localhost/helpdesk/api/comment


    GET https://[helpdesk-url]/api/comments?id=123

    Gets comments of a specified ticket


    Name Type Description
    id int Ticket id


            "CommentID": 1828,
            "IssueID": 471,
            "UserID": 1,
            "UserName": "admin",
            "Email": "admin@testmail",
            "FirstName": "",
            "LastName": "",
            "IsSystem": false,
            "CommentDate": "2020-02-28T04:48:00Z",
            "ForTechsOnly": false,
            "Body": "Hi\r\n\r\n",
            "TicketSubject": null,
            "Recipients": "",
            "Attachments": []


    GET https://[helpdesk-url]/api/CommentTemplates

    Gets all available "canned responses" from your Helpdesk


        "TemplateId": 1420,
        "Body": "You need to set Helpdesk's application pool to run under .NET 4.0 instead of 2.0 in IIS.",
        "Name": "4.0 instead of 2.0"
        "TemplateId": 362,
        "Body": "Could you please tell me, what app are you talking about exactly?",
        "Name": "Which app??"


    Working with helpdesk users - creating, deleting, updating etc.

    CreateUser (POST)

    POST https://[helpdesk-url]/api/CreateUser

    Creates a new user. Requires "helpdesk-administrator" permissions.


    Name Type Description
    username string username, should not be taken by another user
    password string user's password
    email string user's email
    firstName string first name
    lastName string surname
    phone string phone
    location string location
    company string Set user's company. If the company doesn't exist, it will be created.
    department string Set user's department. If department doesn't exist, it will be created.
    sendWelcomeEmail bool Send a "welcome" to the user

    Returns: userId

    UpdateUser (POST)

    POST https://[helpdesk-url]/api/UpdateUser?userId=123&username=joe&disabled=false

    Updates a user. Requires "helpdesk-administrator" permissions. All parameters except userId are optional


    Name Type Description
    userId int edited user's ID
    username string username, should not be taken by another user
    email string user's email
    firstName string first name
    lastName string surname
    notes string optional administrator's notes
    phone string phone
    location string location
    department string user's department name
    disabled bool enable/disable the user
    company string user's company name
    password string user's new password
    enableEmailNotifications bool enable/disable email notifications for the user
    greeting string The "greeting" that's added automatically when the user adds reply via web UI
    signature string The "signature" that's added automatically when the user replies via web UI
    outOfOffice bool are they "out of office"

    SetCustomFieldForUser (POST)

    POST https://[helpdesk-url]/api/SetCustomFieldForUser

    Sets custom field value for a user.


    Name Type Description
    id int User ID
    fieldId int Custom field ID
    value string Value as a string. For checkboxes pass true or false. For dropdowns pass the option ID. For dates pass date as a string in any format.


    200 OK if there were no errors. Returns an error message otherwise.


    GET https://[helpdesk-url]/api/[email protected]

    Gets all information about a user. Requires "helpdesk-administrator" or "technician" permissions.


    Name|Type|Description email|string|email address


        "UserID": 43499,
        "Username": "Max",
        "Password": null,
        "Email": "max@test",
        "FirstName": "Max",
        "LastName": "",
        "Notes": "test",
        "Location": "",
        "Phone": "+16463977708",
        "Department": null,
        "CompanyName": "Jitbit Software",
        "IPAddress": "",
        "HostName": "",
        "Lang": "en-US",
        "UserAgent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_10_3) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/41.0.2272.118 Safari/537.36",
        "AvatarURL": null,
        "Signature": "Cheers,\r\nMax",
        "Greeting": "Hi #FirstName#",
        "CompanyId": 451,
        "CompanyNotes": null,
        "IsAdmin": true,
        "Disabled": false,
        "SendEmail": false,
        "IsTech": false,
        "LastSeen": "2020-02-28T04:48:00Z",
        "IsManager": false,
        "PushToken": null,
        "FullNameAndLogin": "Max",
        "FullName": "Max"


    GET https://[helpdesk-url]/api/UserByUsername?username=admin

    Gets all information about a user. Requires "administrator" or "technician" permissions.


    Name|Type|Description username|string|username


        "UserID": 43499,
        "Username": "Max",
        "Password": null,
        "Email": "max@test",
        "FirstName": "Max",
        "LastName": "",
        "Notes": "test",
        "Location": "",
        "Phone": "+16463977708",
        "Department": null,
        "CompanyName": "Jitbit Software",
        "IPAddress": "",
        "HostName": "",
        "Lang": "en-US",
        "UserAgent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_10_3) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/41.0.2272.118 Safari/537.36",
        "AvatarURL": null,
        "Signature": "Cheers,\r\nMax",
        "Greeting": "Hi #FirstName#",
        "CompanyId": 451,
        "CompanyNotes": null,
        "IsAdmin": true,
        "Disabled": false,
        "SendEmail": false,
        "IsTech": false,
        "LastSeen": "2020-02-28T04:48:00Z",
        "IsManager": false,
        "PushToken": null,
        "FullNameAndLogin": "Max",
        "FullName": "Max"


    GET https://[helpdesk-url]/api/UserCustomFields?id=123

    View all user custom fields. Available for technicians only.


    Name Type Description
    id int User ID


            "FieldName": "User status",
            "FieldID": 1234,
            "Type": 1,
            "Value": "Paying Customer"


    GET https://[helpdesk-url]/api/Users

    Gets a list of all users in the helpdesk app. Requires "helpdesk-administrator" permissions.


    Name Type Description
    count int (optional) number of users to return. Default: 500
    page int (optional) used to get the next set of users after the first one. So ?count=50 returns the first 50 users and ?count=50&page=2 returns the following 50 users.
    listMode string (optional)
  • "all" (default) - all users
  • "techs" - techs including admins
  • "admins" - admins only
  • "regular" - only regular users
  • "disabled" - show deactivated users
  • departmentId int (optional) return users from a specific department
    companyId int (optional) return users from a specific company


            "UserID": 321,
            "FirstName": "",
            "LastName": "",
            "Notes": null,
            "Location": "",
            "Phone": "",
            "CompanyName": null,
            "IPAddress": null,
            "HostName": null,
            "Lang": null,
            "UserAgent": null,
            "AvatarURL": null,
            "Signature": null,
            "Greeting": null,
            "CompanyId": null,
            "DepartmentID": null,
            "CompanyNotes": null,
            "SendEmail": true,
            "IsTech": false,
            "LastSeen": null,
            "RecentTickets": null,
            "IsManager": false,
            "PushToken": null,
            "PushPlatform": null,
            "TwoFactorAuthEnabled": false,
            "TimezoneID": null,
            "FullNameAndLogin": "[email protected]",
            "FullName": "[email protected]",
            "Username": "[email protected]",
            "Password": null,
            "Email": "[email protected]",
            "IsAdmin": false,
            "Disabled": false


    GET https://[helpdesk-url]/api/Companies

    Gets a list of all companies. Requires "helpdesk-administrator" permissions.


            "CompanyID": 1,
            "Name": "test company",
            "EmailDomain": null,
            "Notes": null

    Company (POST)

    POST https://[helpdesk-url]/api/Company

    Creates a new company. Requires "helpdesk-administrator" permissions.


    Name Type Description
    name string company name
    emailDomains string (optional) one or more company email domains. Separate multiple values with semicolon like this ";;"

    Returns: Created company id or an id of an existing company if the supplied name was taken

    UpdateCompany (POST)

    POST https://[helpdesk-url]/api/UpdateCompany

    Updates company details. Requires "helpdesk-administrator" permissions.


    Name Type Description
    id int company id
    name string company name
    notes string company notes


    200 OK if there were no errors. Returns an error message otherwise.

    SetCustomFieldForCompany (POST)

    POST https://[helpdesk-url]/api/SetCustomFieldForCompany

    Sets custom field value for a company.


    Name Type Description
    id int Company ID
    fieldId int Custom field ID
    value string Value as a string. For checkboxes pass true or false. For dropdowns pass the option ID. For dates pass date as a string in any format.


    200 OK if there were no errors. Returns an error message otherwise.


    GET https://[helpdesk-url]/api/CompanyCustomFields?id=123

    View all company custom fields. Available for technicians only.


    Name Type Description
    id int Company ID


            "FieldName": "Company city",
            "FieldID": 1234,
            "Type": 1,
            "Value": "Los Angeles"

    Knowledge base

    API methods to manipulate Knowledge base articles


    GET https://[helpdesk-url]/api/Articles

    Returns a list of your Knowledge base articles with titles, full URLs and other useful information, excluding the actual article content.


    Name Type Description
    categoryId int (optional) Return articles from a particular category


        "Articles": [
                "Attachments": [],
                "ArticleId": 6,
                "Subject": "Sample KB article",
                "Body": null,
                "ForTechsOnly": false,
                "CategoryID": 5,
                "CategoryName": null,
                "CategoryNotes": null,
                "TagString": null,
                "UrlId": "6-sample-kb-article",
                "DateCreated": "2016-10-09T05:04:40.89",
                "LastUpdated": null,
                "Url": "http://localhost:3000//KB/View/6-sample-kb-article",
                "Tags": null
        "Categories": [
                "CategoryID": 5,
                "Name": "Payment issues",
                "SectionID": 1,
                "Section": "Sales",
                "TicketCount": 1,
                "NameWithSection": "Sales \\ Payment issues",
                "ForTechsOnly": false,
                "ForSpecificUsers": false,
                "FromAddress": null,
                "KBOnly": false
        "Tags": []


    GET https://[helpdesk-url]/api/Article/%id%

    Returns a particular Knowledge Base article along with its content.


    Name Type Description
    id required Article ID


        "Attachments": [],
        "ArticleId": 7,
        "Subject": "Another sample KB article",
        "Body": "This is a sample Knowledge Base article, just to give you a clue what it looks like.\r\n\r\n[b]Subtitle[/b]\r\n\r\nHere you can explain the knowledge base article in detail. If applicable, explain how the problem can be worked around.",
        "ForTechsOnly": false,
        "CategoryID": 6,
        "CategoryName": "Pre-sales questions",
        "CategoryNotes": null,
        "TagString": null,
        "UrlId": null,
        "DateCreated": "2016-10-09T05:04:40.893",
        "LastUpdated": "2016-10-09T05:04:40.893",
        "Url": "http://localhost:3000//KB/View/7",
        "Tags": []

    Automation rules

    API methods to manipulate helpdesk automation


    GET https://[helpdesk-url]/api/Rule/%id%

    Returns a particular rule as XML.


    Name Type Description
    id required Rule ID


    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16"?>
    <AutomationRule xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="">


    GET https://[helpdesk-url]/api/DisableRule/%id%

    Disables a particular rule to prevent it from triggering.


    Name Type Description
    id required Rule ID


    GET https://[helpdesk-url]/api/EnableRule/%id%

    Enables a particular rule that was previously disabled.


    Name Type Description
    id required Rule ID


    API Methods to work with assets

    Assets (GET)

    GET https://[helpdesk-url]/api/Assets

    Returns a list of all assets in your system (50 per page).


    Name Type Description
    page optional page number to return assets from. If you need assets from 51 to 101 - pass "2", etc.
    assignedToUserId optional filter by assigned user ID
    assignedToCompanyId optional filter by assigned company ID
    assignedToDepartmentId optional filter by assigned company ID


            "Tickets": null,
            "AssignedUsers": [],
            "Fields": [],
            "Attachments": null,
            "ItemID": 91,
            "Manufacturer": "Apple",
            "Supplier": "none",
            "ModelName": "Macbook",
            "TypeID": 0,
            "Type": "Laptop",
            "ManufacturerID": 0,
            "SupplierID": 0,
            "SerialNumber": null,
            "Location": null,
            "Comments": null,
            "Quantity": 0,
            "TicketCount": 0,
            "Company": null,
            "CompanyID": null

    Asset (GET)

    GET https://[helpdesk-url]/api/Asset?id=%id%

    Get a single asset by ID.


    Name Type Description
    id required asset ID


        "Tickets": null,
        "AssignedUsers": [],
        "Fields": [],
        "Attachments": null,
        "ItemID": 91,
        "Manufacturer": "Apple",
        "Supplier": "none",
        "ModelName": "Macbook",
        "TypeID": 0,
        "Type": "Laptop",
        "ManufacturerID": 0,
        "SupplierID": 0,
        "SerialNumber": null,
        "Location": null,
        "Comments": null,
        "Quantity": 0,
        "TicketCount": 0,
        "Company": null,
        "CompanyID": null

    Asset (POST)

    POST https://[helpdesk-url]/api/Asset

    Create an asset


    Name Type Description
    modelName required (string) model name
    manufacturer required (string) manufacturer name
    type required (string) type
    supplier required (string) supplier name
    serialNumber optional (string) serial number
    location optional (string) location
    comments optional (string) additional comments
    quantity optional (int) quantity (default: 1)


        "id": 123

    SetCustomFieldForAsset (POST)

    POST https://[helpdesk-url]/api/SetCustomFieldForAsset

    Sets custom field value in an asset.


    Name Type Description
    id int Asset ID
    fieldId int Custom field ID
    value string Value as a string. For checkboxes pass true or false. For dropdowns pass the option ID. For dates pass date as a string in any format.


    200 OK if there were no errors. Returns an error message otherwise.

    UpdateAsset (POST)

    POST https://[helpdesk-url]/api/UpdateAsset

    Update an existing asset


    Name Type Description
    id required asset ID
    modelName required (string) model name
    manufacturer optional (string) manufacturer name
    type optional (string) type
    supplier optional (string) supplier name
    serialNumber optional (string) serial number
    location optional (string) location
    comments optional (string) additional comments
    quantity optional (int) quantity (default: 1)


        "Tickets": null,
        "AssignedUsers": [],
        "Fields": [],
        "Attachments": null,
        "ItemID": 91,
        "Manufacturer": "Apple",
        "Supplier": "none",
        "ModelName": "Macbook",
        "TypeID": 0,
        "Type": "Laptop",
        "ManufacturerID": 0,
        "SupplierID": 0,
        "SerialNumber": null,
        "Location": null,
        "Comments": null,
        "Quantity": 0,
        "TicketCount": 0,
        "Company": null,
        "CompanyID": null

    AssignAssetToUser (POST)

    POST https://[helpdesk-url]/api/AssignAssetToUser

    Assign an asset to a user


    Name Type Description
    assetId required asset ID
    userId required user ID

    AddAssetToTicket (POST)

    POST https://[helpdesk-url]/api/AssignAssetToUser

    Add an asset to "assets involved" to a ticket


    Name Type Description
    assetId required asset ID
    ticketId required ticket ID

    Authentication API

    You can also utilize the Authentication API that is included in both the hosted and self-hosted version. Please find more details here:

    Rate Limiting

    Many of the resource-intensive methods in the Help Desk API have rate-limits and throttle abusive clients. Most of the calls are limited to 90 times per minute, while Search and UserByEmail are limited to 60 times per minute. If a client makes more requests, the server responds with 429 status code. Wait a couple of minutes and try again.